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Post a Pic of the Real You!


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Dude, sweet hair in that second pic.



I wish it just fell like that tbh


You look nothing like Macbeth and I feel so deceived >:/

I also look nothing like a thief, or an anthropomorphic toadstool, or a bear, yet you seem to have no qualms with that

A friend passed recently.  His going home celebration was one of the best. 


[spoiler=Going Home]






How we do it.



[spoiler=Emo Night]22042003_1300531506736815_2185534982478521992859_1300529530070346_89164625832037



[spoiler=Dope picture]21765206_588807497910385_599122322507149


How do you end up in so many high-quality pictures?

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What kind of events do you go to? Are they generally music-based?


Conventions came to mind, but I don't think that's the image I want to make for myself.

Usually music-based. I go to a lot of concerts/dj events, especially since most of my friends are musicians or I have made them through a mutual taste in music. The music community is also the less elitist community I have fallen into.


I go to conventions, but I never get pictures taken from them. Not really my image, either. Just something. fun. My cousins do dope costumes and cosplays, or gym shoots. I have a few friends who are into fashion and do fashion photography.


Also, make friends with photographers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[spoiler= I have not posted here in ages rip]




Stressful day but new shirt is nice :3

Also helped my boyfriend revise for the GCSE we had today, feels nice to be useful 

Chemistry mock exam felt like it went okay

gdi you're so damn precious. Nice hair btw

Glad things went well besides the stress!

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gdi you're so damn precious. Nice hair btw

Glad things went well besides the stress!

Thank! I've spent most of my positivity at school today trying to keep clam before exams and not stress other people so this was a really appreciated comment :D

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On 10/13/2017 at 3:13 AM, Egmoedeus XVII said:

[spoiler=Vivid Visage Release!]



That mustache is too strong, how long did it take you to grow it?


I've had the burning desire to grow a handlebar stache ever since I was a kid but I keep shaving it during that awkward mid-point when the ends are just barely suspended off my face.

T E A C H   M E   Y O U R   W A Y S

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Got your head stuck in a tambourine there


Indeed I do... Or rather I positioned myself there to look exquisite/photogenic for the camera in my own charming way.

That mustache is too strong, how long did it take you to grow it?


I've had the burning desire to grow a handlebar stache ever since I was a kid but I keep shaving it during that awkward mid-point when the ends are just barely suspended off my face.

T E A C H   M E   Y O U R   W A Y S


Okay so I'll tell you.


So it took me roughly 3 years to get it to grow where it is at now, but the true key to suspend it as high as you can get it is through moustache wax. My favorite brand is Clubman (Fair warning though it comes in neutral as well as 2 other dyed versions being black and brown... I learned that one the hard way and made my moustache black.)


The idea is that you first grow it out to be a fu man chu (where your moustache is weighing downward). Once you grow some length, buy yourself some wax.


And at that phase: Here is how you apply it to make your moustache go as high as you want it.


  1. Apply the wax on the thumb of your dominant hand.
  2. Bring your thumb over to where one tip of your moustache is.
  3. Pinch your index finger towards your thumb.
  4. And give your moustache a nice twirl upward with the wax squeezed into it.
  5. Rinse and repeat on the other tip of your moustache.

If it isn't quite upright the way you want it, don't be afraid to use a little bit more wax.

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