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Post a Pic of the Real You!


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It's fun to pop into this thread and leave a pic every once in a blue moon, so here's a pic.

[spoiler=When I shave just right]DtKMILd.jpg



You look more like a busta now than before.  But just the right amount of busta.  Just right.

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I can honestly say Gregg, you're one of the few people I'd say that side shave is good for. Most... ugh. They force it so hard.

So yeah insert generic compliment here.


And because long overdue picture-tax: 


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 What self respecting person uses hair gel?



Hair-gel looks good for the whole of 10 minutes, then it gets destroyed by hair being hair. Never mind how much of a chore it is to remove in the shower. Dear Zamorak, I keep pulling out slacks of gel for like 3 days afterwards no matter how thorough.

Not worth it unless you're going for a photoshoot of some significant description. Just take the years/months/weeks to tame your hair proper instead.

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Lol. What self respecting person uses hair gel? And my hair is to the right.

tbh i dont know names for hair products and just call everything hair gel. when i actually meant the... other stuffs that I still dont know the name of idrgaf.


also you're using a dumb phone that flips the picture dumbly how daer you.

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Lol. You use only water.


To be fair ocean water or rain water tends to hold the hair pretty well. Especially if you've got naturally layered hair (or other types of hair) that holds water like mine.

Tap water's efficiency seems to vary by Water District. 

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