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The Product of Working at 3AM

Hydra of Ages

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Let me be frank to begin with- this is for a Fanfic, and thus is slightly more ridiculous concept than you'd probably expect from a WC thread.
Likewise, since the cards are partially based off a story mechanic that I can't perfectly replicate in card-terms, you'll have to bear with some clumsy phrasing here.

OC and common-sense checking is drastically required. Also, ideas, as these guys aren't quite what I had in mind, in particular the last 3.

Feyborn Link
Whenever a monster with 'Ley' in its name is sent to the Graveyard from your side of the field or Graveyard, place 1 'Fey Counter' on this card for every level of the sent monster. When your life points increase, toss a coin and call it. If you call it correctly, draw 2 cards. If this card would be negated or destroyed, remove half of the Fey Counters on this card and it is not negated or destroyed.

Ley Warrior
Earth; Level 4
FLIP: When this card is sent to the Graveyard, search your deck for a number of 'Ley' monsters whose' total levels do not exceed 4 and add them to your hand.
ATK/1450 DEF/1450

Ley Soldier
Earth; Level 2
FLIP: Set 1 "Ley Soldier" or "Ley Warrior" from your hand.
ATK/1450 DEF/1450

Ley Defender
Earth; Level 4
FLIP: Negate all Spell and Trap Card effects until the End Phase of this turn, except for cards with "Fey" in their name. Set 1 "Ley Warrior" or "Ley Soldier" from your hand.
ATK/1450 DEF/1450

Ley Avenger
Earth; Level 4
FLIP: Discard up to 2 cards with "Ley" in their name from your hand. Your opponent must remove from play 1 card from their hand. If this card inflicts battle damage to the opponent, you may discard 1 card with "Ley" in its name to remove from play 1 card at random from your opponent's hand.
ATK/1450 DEF/1450

Ley Sculpture
Earth; Level 2
FLIP: Set 1 "Ley Soldier" or "Ley Builder" from your Graveyard.
ATK/1450 DEF/1450

Ley Golem
Earth; Level 8
You may Normal Summon this monster without tributes by removing "Ley" monsters in your Graveyard from play with a combined total level of 8. This card cannot attack directly.
ATK/2900 DEF/2900

Fey Transmution
Tribute 1 face-up monster with 'Fey' in its name on your side of the field. Special Summon 1 'Ley' monster from your Graveyard, and increase your life points by 2900.

Ley Law
Tribute 1 face-up monster with 'Ley' in its name on your side of the field. Negate all opponent's monster effects until your next Standby Phase, and increase your life points by 1450.


The Fey Dance
Wind; Level 8
Synchro-Summon this card by removing 8 'Fey Counters' from a face-up "Feyborn Link" on your side of the field, and paying 2900 life points. When this card is successfully Synchro-Summoned, send to the Graveyard all other monsters on your side of the field. You cannot Normal or Special Summon, or Set while this card is face-up on the field. Negate the effect of all the opponent's Spell Cards. When this card declares an attack, flip a coin and call it. If you call it correctly, inflict direct damage to both player's LP equal to 1000 x the number of Spell Cards in either player's hand or face-up on the field. If this card would be removed from the field in any way, or flipped face-down, return it to your Extras Deck.
ATK/2900 DEF/2900

The Fey Weapon
Wind; Level 8
Synchro-Summon this card by removing 8 'Fey Counters' from a face-up "Feyborn Link" on your side of the field, and paying 2900 life points. When this card is successfully Synchro-Summoned, send to the Graveyard all other monsters on your side of the field. You cannot Normal or Special Summon, or Set while this card is face-up on the field. Your opponent cannot Normal Summon.
When this card declares an attack against an opponent's monster, flip a coin and call it. If you call it correctly, this card is now attacking the opponent directly. If this card would be removed from the field in any way, or flipped face-down, return it to your Extras Deck.
ATK/2900 DEF/2900

The Fey Mind
Wind; Level 8
Synchro-Summon this card by removing 8 'Fey Counters' from a face-up "Feyborn Link" on your side of the field, and paying 2900 life points. When this card is successfully Synchro-Summoned, send to the Graveyard all other monsters on your side of the field. You cannot Normal or Special Summon, or Set while this card is face-up on the field. Whenever your opponent activates a Trap Card, remove from play the top 10 cards of their deck. When this card declares an attack, flip a coin and call it. If you call it correctly, remove from play 3 cards from the top of the opponent's deck for every Trap card in their hand, or in their Graveyard. If this card would be removed from the field in any way, or flipped face-down, return it to your Extras Deck.
ATK/2900 DEF/2900
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