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MareOctavius on GameKing

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Mare might have left but he hasn't lost his love for yugioh, luckly. i have seen him battle this guy at Gameking, ok player but i played against him before Mare did, he is a good player and the diffrence between us was only 300 LP for him, 5800 to 6100 but i had the upper hand on him. anyway strange enought that guy Skills won. Proof? Here-


Match LOG-

MareOctavius vs Skills, January 15th 2008.


Results reported by players: MareOctavius: Not reported, Skills: "I won"




<16:05> MareOctavius loads a deck and shuffles it.


<16:05> Skills loads a deck and shuffles it.


<16:05> MareOctavius has rolled a 6.


<16:06> Skills has rolled a 5.


<16:06> Skills draws a card.


<16:06> Skills draws a card.


<16:06> Skills draws a card.


<16:06> Skills draws a card.


<16:06> Skills draws a card.


<16:06> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:06> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:06> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:06> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:06> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:06> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:06> MareOctavius moves Marshmallon from their hand to the field.


<16:07> MareOctavius moves Mirror Force from their hand to the field.


<16:07> MareOctavius has ended their turn.


<16:07> Skills draws a card.


<16:07> Skills moves Torrential Tribute from their hand to the field.


<16:07> Skills moves Card Trooper from their hand to the field.


<16:07> effect


<16:07> Skills draws a Elemental Hero Stratos.


<16:07> Skills draws a Destiny Hero - Malicious.


<16:07> Skills draws a Destiny Hero - Fear Monger.


<16:07> Skills moves Destiny Hero - Fear Monger from their hand to their graveyard.


<16:07> Skills moves Destiny Hero - Malicious from their hand to their graveyard.


<16:07> Skills moves Elemental Hero Stratos from their hand to their graveyard.


<16:07> Skills creates a sticky note with the text '1900'.


<16:07> You can always MILL ya know.


<16:07> Skills has ended their turn.


<16:08> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:08> Effect of Trooper gone.


<16:08> =)


<16:08> MareOctavius moves Marshmallon from the field to their graveyard.


<16:08> MareOctavius moves Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch from their hand to the field.


<16:09> Skills flips their Torrential Tribute into face-up position.


<16:09> Skills deletes a sticky note.


<16:09> Skills moves Card Trooper from the field to their graveyard.


<16:09> MareOctavius moves Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch from the field to their graveyard.


<16:09> Skills moves Torrential Tribute from the field to their graveyard.


<16:09> MareOctavius moves Torrential Tribute from their hand to the field.


<16:09> MareOctavius has ended their turn.


<16:10> Skills draws a card.


<16:10> Skills moves Destiny Draw from their hand to the field.


<16:10> Skills moves Destiny Draw from their hand to the field.


<16:10> Skills moves Foolish Burial from their hand to the field.


<16:10> Skills is looking in their deck.


<16:10> Skills moves Sangan from their deck to their graveyard.


<16:11> Skills moves Foolish Burial from the field to their graveyard.


<16:11> Skills has ended their turn.


<16:11> MareOctavius draws a card.


<16:11> MareOctavius moves Mystic Tomato from their hand to the field.


<16:11> MareOctavius's Mystic Tomato attacks Skills's life points.


<16:11> Skills changes their life points from 8000 to 7000.


<16:11> Skills changes their life points from 7000 to 6500.


<16:11> Skills changes their life points from 6500 to 6600.


<16:12> MareOctavius has ended their turn.



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"Thank you for giving me some respect, I was wrong about this forum. However, as I can't be a man who breaks his promise that quickly and gives his words inefficiently, I'll stay on my word. I've seen the topic after Remix told me about it, and I know now that no one really hated me, although there are still a number who despise me. I've also seen Frunk replying on my quit in the Leaving thread, and my reply would be "Change it if you want, I was wrong anyways".. so that's all, but I'm 50% returning to YCM on June or when I get some free time after my baby's born.





^ Mare's message.






I'm serious!

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ummm...okay??? whats the point? why even post it if its not finished?


i know it isn't finished just a small thing that we still remember mare.


He's been gone 3 days....... And members come and go, they find themselves in a place in our brain, we knew they existed, we perceived them, and its not like this is any bigger a deal than RS Crash leaving, but it seems unaware to most that he left.

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