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Espada Contest


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Woo! After a long break, I've decided to come back. And to kick off my return, I'm making a contest, Bleach Style. For this contest, you'll be given a Espada 0-9. Your objective, Make a monster of the Espada, A spell card of their Resurreccion, A monster of them in Resurreccion form, and any fraccion that they have. And a lucky person will get a secret Espada. Contest ends in exactly 1 week when everyone has joined.


[spoiler=Da Rules] Standard TCM rules apply. Do NOT state who you want, I'm picking for you. All cards must be posted at the same time.



[spoiler=Prizes] 1st=3REP, 2nd=2REP, 3rd=1REP




  • [spoiler=0 Yammy]

[spoiler=1 Starrk]

[spoiler=2 Barragan]

[spoiler=3 Harribel]

[spoiler=4 Ulquiorra]

[spoiler=5 Nnoitra]

[spoiler= 6 Grimmjow]

[spoiler=7 Zommari]



[spoiler=Secret Espada]




[spoiler=Judging] I want at least 2 other judges to help me. The judging will be Image, Effect, Over/Under powered, Spelling, and overall performance


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