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Stupid idea to make Written Cards more active.


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Written Cards barely have any comments. It's a miracle when you got more than 2 comments in Written Card. But, Realistic, Pop Culture and Any Other Cards are very active. You see what am I aiming for? Remove the Written Cards section, and add rule like this to other card sections:

"You can post also Written Cards here. If you do, you must add [Written] tag to topic title"

So? Yes or no? IMO, it will only help. Thoughts?
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Griffy defined it. It has its uses and you can apply more games there due to the compact and serious nature of it. We tried something before, but really that section is better off as it is. Sorry.
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No support. Written cards is a great section, it encourages people to rate more on creativity and balance and less on pretty picturexs and special effects. also, the people who frequent written are more often skilled players. Written cards is the best place to put things if you're actually wondering what they'd do for the game.
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