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Pokemon Kaiga Region! Path to a Master | Not Started/Accepting |


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[spoiler= Pokemon Kaiga]

Welcome to the next journey to becoming a pokemon master! The kaiga region has now formed and contains over 200 new pokemon! They range in all types, shapes, sizes and power. The established Elite Four are known to be the strongest duelists in the region and have been showing their dominance in recent days! Water/Grass or Fire, which will be your start? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Where do you rank in the Elite Four or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8, which Gym do you control? Choose your own journey and direction to becoming a pokemon master!

[spoiler=The Elite 4]

Champion: Hiro (Soulciety/Page 1)

Blizztarc: ICE (Moves: Blizzard, Ice beam, Ice Punch, Avalanche) Lv 75
Nerostar: STEEL/DRAGON (Moves: Metal burst, Meteor Mash, Dragon Rush, Protect) Lv 78
Beasice: ICE (Moves: Sheer Cold, Ice beam, Ice fang, Recover) Lv 75
Fantyeux: ICE/GHOST (Moves: Shadow Force, Hypnosis, Ice Beam, Dream eater) Lv 76
Darcound: DRAGON/ROCK (Moves: Earthquake, Dragon rush, Draco meteor, Earth Power) Lv 78
Dragonite: DRAGON (Moves: Thunder, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Hyper beam) Lv 81 (Ace pokemon)

#4: Trip Cotte (Page 1)

#3: Leon (Raize/Page 1)

Flygon Lv 64 - Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fly
Navalord Lv 65 - Icebeam, Surf, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush,
Salamence Lv 66 - Hidden Power, Earthquake, Rockslide, Flamethrower
Garchomp Lv 66 - Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Crunch
Darcound Lv 69 - Dragon Breath, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Dragon Storm

#2: Luna (Radio414/Page 1)

Ditto (LV 61, Transform)
Gallade (LV 65, Leaf Blade, Brick Break, Psycho cut, Psychic)
Togekiss (LV 64, Aerial Ace, Extremespeed, Fly, Aura Sphere)
Frostlass (LV 65, Water Pulse, Blizzard, Ice Shard, Ominous wind.)
Milotic (LV 68, Surf, Toxic, Aqua Ring, Rest)



[spoiler= Gym Leaders]

1st Gym

2nd Gym:

3rd Gym:

4th gym:

5th Gym:

6th Gym:

7th Gym: Mitch Atlas (Blacx/Page 1)

lvl 52 Durabom (Overheat,Rockslide,Fireblast Sunny Day )
lvl 54 Hartone (Rock Blast Body Slam Rock Tomb Deffence Curl)
lvl 53 Decoral (Water Pulse Water Sport Rock Blast Sandstorm)
lvl 55 Lichtoise (Razer Leaf Rockslide Sleep Powder Leech Seed)

8th Gym: Loyd (Time Psyduck/Page 1)

Steelix Lv 58 - Double-Edge, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Iron Tail
Magnazone Lv 60 - Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Mirror Shot, Magnet Rise
Lucario Lv60 - Bullet Punch, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse
Empoleon Lv61 - Surf, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Flash Cannon
Metagross Lv63 - Magnet Rise, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash

[spoiler=Kaiga Region]

Yoke Town - Professor Pine’s lab

1st Gym – Rustlige Town

2nd Gym – Valour Town

• Frostbridge village
• Burnbridge village

3rd Gym – Strat Town

• Zakuza pyramid (cannot enter)
• Celios town

4th Gym – Dranser City

• Treebound Town

5th Gym – Tranquil Town

6th Gym – Princhipal village

7th Gym – Duopolis

• Moon/sun island

8th Gym – Petropolitan Citadel

Elite Four – Weatherton Island


- Metrabole Shops


[spoiler=Kaiga Region Directions]
Lol i know it's confusing but i'll fix it up in due time


[spoiler=Kaiga Pokedex]

(I am willing to make it just the pokemon with the yellow background, first 9 on each are starters)

(first 9 of each are starters, get 1 of 6 choices when starting.)
albatcher- altione is legendary


[spoiler=1st Line]
• GRASS – Floris, GRASS- Florio, GRASS/FIGHT – Floriox
• FIRE – Volc, FIRE – Volcist, FIRE/GHOST – Volcshade
• WATER – Phan, WATER – Phanti, WATER/ICE – Phantice
[spoiler=2nd Line]
• BUG – Fizzle, BUG – Fizzered, BUG/FLYING – Fuzzfly
• BUG/POISON – Grubble, BUG/POISON – Grubpod, BUG/POISON – Gruboth
[spoiler=3rd Line]
• NORMAL – Ratouse, NORMAL – Ferouse
• WATER/STEEL – Swish, - WATER/STEEL – Swark
• ROCK/FIRE – Bom, ROCK/FIRE – Durabom
• WATER/NORMAL – Platasus
[spoiler=4th line]
• GROUND – Womirl, GROUND – Wompol
• GRASS/STEEL – Soleaf
• FIRE – Blaish
• STEEL/DARK – Hauntlid, STEEL/DARK – Hauntified
• FIRE – Jellight, FIRE/ROCK – Concright
[spoiler= Line 5th]
• ICE/NORMAL – Artikey
• WATER/ Colish, WATER – Colshark
• DARK – Theisel, DARK – Burglease
• NORMAL – Triscoop, NORMAL – Triserve, NORMAL – Trisertill
[spoiler=6th line]
• FLYING/DARK – Slytowl, FLYING/PSYCHIC – Sychowl || FLYING/DARK – Sneakowl
• WATER – Goaline
• GHOST – Misa, GHOST-Miswing, GHOST/DRAGON – Mistasaur

• DARK – Pupstic
• ICE/NORMAL – Camlice
[spoiler=7th line]
• ICE/NORMAL – Mathice
• BUG/GRASS – Creapit
• WATER/ELECTRC – Orbspark, WATER/ELETRC – Basspark
• FLYING/PSYCHIC – Peaklyre,
• GROUND/ICE – Snowffer
• ROCK/ WATER – Deecoral
• BUG – Braceworm,
[spoiler=8th line]
• BUG/POISON –Cobrace
• GRASS/NORMAL – Leazel, GRASS/NORMAL – Leazeful
• PSYCHIC/STEEL – Mumitate
• STEEL/WATER – Stafish, STEEL/DRAGON – Biancsta || STEEL/DRAGON – Nerosta
[spoiler= 9th line]
• BUG/ELECTRC – Stintric, BUG/ELECTRC – Stinbuz, BUG/EECTRC - Stintage
• ELECTRC – Wolzap, ELECTRC – Furrzap, ELECTRC – Furrlossal
• WATER – Stagall, WATER – Staglob
• BUG/FLYING – Fruila
[spoiler=10th line]
• BUG/FIGHT – Frufight
• ICE/FIGHT – Bartic, ICE/FIGHT – Mamotic
• NORMAL – Conceal, NORMAL – Quackceal
• WATER – Happish, WATER/STEEL – Happluck
• WATER/PSYCHIC – Psychjell ,
[spoiler= 11th line]
• WATER/PSYCHIC – Psychmon, WATER/PSYCHIC – Psychfinin
• GRASS – Twig, GRASS – Twigstand, GRASS – Twigment
• GHOST – Boghost, GHOST – Skulghost,
• GRASS – Bluberry, GRASS – Berrigure
[spoiler=12th line]
• GRASS - Redberry, GRASS – Berriso
• ICE/FLYING – Delph, ICE/FLYING – Delphan
• GHOST/ELECTRC – Tagerance
• GHOST – Skeletor
• GRASS/PSYCHIC – Plumkis, GRASS/PSYCHIC – Plumtoise, GRASS/PSYCHIC – Plumasight
[spoiler= 13th line]
• GROUND/ROCK – Mudeer, GROUND/ICE – Mudmath
• FIRE/GROUND – Weasurn, FIRE/GROUND – Moleurn, FIRE/GROUND – Gargurn
• FLYING – Storp
[spoiler= 14th line]
• ROCK – Shuck, ROCK- Shuckor
• ICE – Bliss, ICE – Blissar, ICE- Blisstarc
• GROUND – Grex, GROUND/DRAGON – Grouex, GROUND/DRAGON – Grountesaurus
• ROCK/GRASS – Grainfen,
[spoiler=15th line]
• ROCK/GRASS – Graintree, ROCK/GRASS - Grainforest
• ROCK – Stubi, ROCK – Stubfier
• WATER – Tadpool, WATER – Fragool, WATER/DARK – Monsool
• GHOST/GRASS – Leafa, GHOST/GRASS – Leafkin
[spoiler=16th line]
• GHOST/GRASS – Leaflloween

• DRAGON/ICE – Draczarrd
• DRAGON/FIRE – Dracame

• DARK/GHOST – Cerbafear
• ICE/NORMAL – Sabortife
• DRAGON/GROUND – Jewelomony
• PSYCHIC/FLYING – Mystijest


No OOC only posts
No shortposting
no god modding or anything related
All YCM rules apply
My word stands
respect others
everyone is limited to 3 apps

[spoiler= Application]

Type of trainer: (Starter/Gym leader/Elite Four)
Pokemon Team: (include moves andlevel (the level is basically an indication of how developed as a pokemon they are))
Gym: (if gym leader)
Elite Four Number: (If elite four member)

[spoiler= My Application]

Name: Hiro
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: Quite strict and confident he has a strong belief in himself.
Bio: Born in yoke town he was saved by a pokemon when his house was on fire, he has now been training with that pokemon, he caught others and grew to the rank of elite four champion.
Type of trainer: Elite Four Champion
Pokemon Team:

Blizztarc: ICE (Moves: Blizzard, Ice beam, Ice Punch, Avalanche) Lv 75
Nerostar: STEEL/DRAGON (Moves: Metal burst, Meteor Mash, Dragon Rush, Protect) Lv 78
Beasice: ICE (Moves: Sheer Cold, Ice beam, Ice fang, Recover) Lv 75
Fantyeux: ICE/GHOST (Moves: Shadow Force, Hypnosis, Ice Beam, Dream eater) Lv 76
Darcound: DRAGON/ROCK (Moves: Earthquake, Dragon rush, Draco meteor, Earth Power) Lv 78
Dragonite: DRAGON (Moves: Thunder, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Hyper beam) Lv 81 (Ace pokemon)

Elite Four Number:Champion[/spoiler]
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Name: Lloyd
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Personality: He generally keeps his feelings under control, and stays calm and detached even in battle, however he's also something of a loner, keeping to himself.
Appearance: Slightly above average hight, with rather pale skin, messy grey hair and grey eyes. He usually wears a grey suit in his gym, or walking gear when out travelling. He's physically fit, although he's become slightly overweight
Bio: Lloyd's history isn't well known. He grew up in a distant region, and apparently was the apprentice of a gym leader there, but when he came to Kaiga he relied only on his own skills to get by. He rapidly rose though the gyms, and at a young age he was able to beat a previous champion, however he didn't take the position himself, instead taking over the Petropolitan City gym from the previous leader, who had just retired. He has now been the leader of they gym for over a decade, and because of his experience he often does administration work for the league
Type of trainer: Gym leader
Pokemon Team:
Steelix Lv 58 - Double-Edge, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Iron Tail
Magnazone Lv 60 - Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Mirror Shot, Magnet Rise
Lucario Lv60 - Bullet Punch, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse
Empoleon Lv61 - Surf, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Flash Cannon
Metagross Lv63 - Magnet Rise, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash
Gym: 8/Petroplitan City
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You make some good RPs ^_^

Name: Leon

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Personality: Cool and calm yet very friendly.

The dude on the right, just iignore the girl and all the info.

Bio: Leon lived with his lived Kaiga region for many years setting off on his pokemon journey. He was well liked and soon became rather famous for his abilities, eventually becoming one of the world famous elite four. He had always liked dragon pokemon, but soon became famous for having a powerful team of dragon pokemon. He isn't a sore loser and likes to see the good side to people.

Type of trainer: Elite four

[spoiler=Pokemon Team:]
Flygon Lv 65 - Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fly

Navalord Lv 65 - Icebeam, Surf, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush,

Salamence Lv 66 - Hidden Power, Earthquake, Rockslide, Flamethrower

Garchomp Lv 67 - Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Crunch

Darcound Lv 69 - Dragon Breath, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Dragon Storm (Custom move)

[color="#FF0000"]Dragon[/color] [color="#0000FF"]Wave[/color]
Type: Dragon
Power: 120
Description: Release a fiery shockwave through the ground. Also descreases the users Defence and Spec Defence stats.
Strengths: Steel, Dragon
Weaknesses: Ice
Elite Four Number: 3

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Ill have a trainer app:

Name: Linus Rubangro
Age: 15
Personality: He is a silent person, and he doesnt usually talk much. He is somewhat cold and harsh sometimes. He is also somewhat handsome to girls and he is rather smart and mature.
Appearance: He has blue hair and is tall. He wears a blue jacket with black pants and black leather shoes. He carries a black backpack and a scar on his knee
Bio: He was born in Yoke Town. He never liked pokemon ever since a Rattarus gave him a scar. His father was an elite trainer and about to be in the Elite Four when he disappeared under unknown circumstances. When he turned 15, his mother asked if he would consider becoming a pokemon trainer. He had said no. The next day, he found out that his mother had disappeared to. He then became a pokemon trainer like his parents wanted and is currently going to the lab.
Type of trainer: Starter
Pokemon Team: (include moves andlevel (the level is basically an indication of how developed as a pokemon they are))
Meltell LV 5 - Scratch, Growl
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Name: Mitch Atlas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: A quiet somewhat distant person, he will only acknolage
Bio: Mitch Atlas was originaly from Johto region. At age ten he set off on a Journey with his faithful partner Totidile. At age 13 his partner died in a battle protecting him from a wild Electivire. Ever since then Mitch has been distant, not doing much. When he heard of the Kaiga Region he left imedietly. He caught a few pokemon and trained them. He then opened a Gym in Duopolis.
Type of trainer: Gym leader
Pokemon Team:
lvl 52 Durabom
Sunny Day
lvl 54 Hartone
Rock Blast
Body Slam
Rock Tomb
Deffence Curl
lvl 53 Decoral
Water Pulse
Water Sport
Rock Blast
lvl 55 Lichtoise
Razer Leaf
Sleep Powder
Leech Seed
Gym: 7/ Duopolis
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Name: Luna
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality:Luna takes her albinism seriously, disliking people who make fun of her or take advantage of it. When with people she doesn't know, she is a social butterfly, as if they were her friend. Prefers to have fun with her battles as opposed to being completely serious about them, only mildly more serious during an official battle.
Appearance: Luna stands at a medium sized five foot five, and has a light build, weighing 110 pounds. Luna is an albino, so she has white skin tone, white hair, and red eyes, which she covers with sunglasses. She also carries around a sun umbrella to further protect from the sun.
Bio: Luna always had to fight to get to the top. She was teased from the moment she began school, to the point right before she defeated someone in battle. From the point where she received her Feebas as a gift, to the point it evolved, to right before she was inducted into the Elite Four. However, the teasing only made her stronger, and 5 months ago, she became one if the strongest trainers on the continent.
Needless to say, barely anyone has chastised her since.
Type of trainer: Elite four
Pokemon Team:
Ditto (LV 61, Transform)
Gallade (LV 65, Leaf Blade, Brick Break, Psycho cut, Psychic)
Togekiss (LV 64, Aerial Ace, Extremespeed, Fly, Aura Sphere)
Frostlass (LV 65, Water Pulse, Blizzard, Ice Shard, Ominous wind.)
Milotic (LV 68, Surf, Toxic, Aqua Ring, Rest)
Elite Four Number: 2
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I wants a trainer app

Name: Jerred Atlas
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Fun loving, outgoing, willing to make friends
Bio: Unknown to Mitch, Jarred followed his big brother to Kaiga Region. Jarred lived with Prof. Pine for a while in Yoke town. Until the Prof. called him down to his lab...
Type of trainer: Starter
Pokemon Team:
Freezpool lvl 5

I hope the bio is fine.
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Pokemon yet another fav. of mine. I will have my pokemon up shortly soon. Coming with the list at this moment.

Name: Tripp Kote
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm, center-minded, and focused. Always thinking on his feet and trying to stay at least one step ahead of his opponent.
Bio: The history behind Tripp is a complete and total mystery. His true strength only shows through in the type of pokemon he trains and fights with
Type of trainer: Elite 4
Pokemon Team:
Type: Electric
Level: 69
Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Quick Attack, Agility, Iron Tail
((Unlike a normal Pikachu this one is unique to be Tripp's first pokemon. Considered as a shinney pokemon with the given nickname of Jolt. His appearance is of black fur (black were yellow is) and red stripes (red where brown is), white eyes, and grey ears, with a scar on the left side of his eye from a battle while in the wild))[/spoiler]
Type: Fighting/Steel
Level: 66
Moves: Aura Sphere, Force Palm, Close Combat, Dragon Pulse
((Standard looking Lucario))[/spoiler]
Type: Electric
Level: 68
Moves: Protect, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Discharge
((Standard looking Electabuzz))[/spoiler]
Type: Fire
Level: 68
Moves: Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hidden Power
((Standard looking Aggron))[/spoiler]
Type: Grass
Level: 65
Moves: Leer, Thunder Fang, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave
((Standard looking Grovyle))[/spoiler]
Elite Four Number: 4
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Good idea! I might add more apps later.
Name: Rogad
Age: 26
Gender: M
Personality: He is kind and passionate to his Pokemon. He likes strategy and not always power.
Appearance: He is quite tall and skinny, and wears a Green-ish T-Shrit and Green skinny Jeans.
Bio: He is always kind to his Pokemon. His first Pokemon was Grex. He found it when he was 9 at Rustlige City, but it has come a long way from that, as did his other Pokemon. He has trained hard and has finally worked his way to the Elite Four. He trusts his Pokemon as much as he trusts people. He was born and raised in Rustlige City, and he started his journey after he found Grex.
Type of trainer: Elite Four
Pokemon Team:
Mistasaur (Shadow Ball/Hypnosis/Dream Eater/Outrage) Lv. 72
Nerosta (Protect/Iron Head/Outrage/Surf)Lv. 77
Grountesaurus (Earthquake/Dragon Claw/Outrage/Safeguard) Lv. 79
Dracound (Dragon Claw/Iron Head/Stone Edge/Rock Wrecker) Lv. 73
Omerfreeze (Surf/Outrage/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam) Lv. 77
Quaiteam (Solarbeam/Outrage/Thunderbolt/Flare Blitz) Lv. 77
Gym: N/A
Elite Four Number: Can I be #4 please?
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u actually have a legendery pokemon in there however, and if i permit 1 then ill have to permit the others, if you want you can leave that spot open or summfin and later on in the rpo u can be the one to catch it.

if you want u can be the first member of the leite fou?r
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