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PokeKid, ready to duel


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Hey, i'm happy to talk about myself to thy masses. Well, yugioh-wise i'm moderate. i usually duel myself, not sure if that can make me better but it's all i can really do. i go between a roid deck and a weather deck, which is cloudians with some other cards with weather-realated words in their name. Id be willing to duel someone by email or something. not sure if it would be effective, but i'm willing to give it a shot. I'm really easy going...... favorite yugioh character is syrus. Also like akiza. I wish they'd make a fairytale deck like leon used in season 6 of the original i think. I'm starting to expand my anime knowledge. i finished shippudden and eagerly await the updates to the series. almost finished 5ds and watching a bit of bleach and code geass. also, i love pokemon. got an enormous crush on misty and i want to be a water pokemon trainer just like her.


i think that's all i got. if you want to ask, i may answer unless it's too personal for me. OH! also, play guild wars and ddo. if you are up to play with me, i'd gladly accept. gw name is orion deathvolley lv. 20 ranger/mesmer.


Later. hope to show off my fabolous cards. Maybe even duel some one where we use cards we made.

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Welcome to Cookie Island YCM!


-Dont eat my cookies


-Dont drink my Fosters


-Get some Australian in you


-Dont agravate the trolls or General VK will arrive


-Dont Spam Or I will get General VK to troll on you.


-Dont Troll Or I will turn you to pixi dust


-Dont be a noob Or the lepracorns will get you


Have fun and Pm me if you need help or wanna chat!

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Welcome to Der Riese YCM.


Do not touch my Red Kool Aidz.


Do not touch my banana nut muffins.


Do not activate the Die Glocke.


Do not touch my adopted son.


Do not touch my wife Bridget.


Do not turn on the power switch unless you wish to die by a swarm of Nazi Zombies


Do not drink any of the Perk-A-Colas.


Do not take my trench knife.


Do not try to escape.


Don't be a religious fanatic, all religions are lies and only serve to make life both harder and easier.


Do not troll or I'll torture you, and force you to kill your family, then commit incest with their dead mutilated bodies.


Do not spam or I'll force your own hand down your fat throat.


Do not create another account or I'll sow your hands together.


Do not flame or I'll burn your most beloved to death.


Do not adbot or I'll shove a sock full of quarters down your throat.


Do not act like a idiot in the TCG or I'll skull f*** your dumb ass.


Enjoy your stay at Auschwitz YCM and do not cross me.

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