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Shadow of the Wind


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[center][font="Century Gothic"][size="4"][color=red]SHADOW OF THE WIND
By Carlos Ruiz Zafon ; Translated into English By Lucia Graves[/size]

[size="2"]This is my favorite book in the entire world. When it came out, it became an international bestseller in over 40 countries. It has mystery, intrigue, romance, action, homeless people, sluts... What more could you ask for???????
[spoiler=Basic Plot]A young boy is shown a mysterious place where books never die, and picks out a book titled "The Shadow of the Wind." However, he soon finds out that there is an amazing history emanating from that book and its author, involving friendship, murder, betrayal, and such. As he struggles to find out what really happened to the unknown author, he goes through changes in his life too.[/spoiler]

Ok, so my summary was seriously underwhelming. Just check this out: http://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Wind-Carlos-Ruiz-Zafon/dp/1594200106
That's a link to amazon, which has a better summary and is where you should buy the book. Or, check it out of the library. Whatever you do, READ IT.

WARNING: If it was a movie, it would be rated R, or worse. Contains nudity, sex, and violence. After all, it is an adult book.
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Daniel was ten when he was taken into a cemetery and told he was allowed to save one soul. Carlos Ruiz Zafon's The Shadow of the Wind seems born of a different time. An ode to its own genre, a love song to itself, the story of a boy who is shown the power of a book, one so powerful that it threatens to destroy everything and everyone he loves.
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