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hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy contest!

Dearg Doom

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If it's free then I'd LOVE to enter :)


If you don't count the Blaster to be a "character" in the series (I'd kind'a be disappointed) then I'll just have to make another card. :)




Lore: Pay half of your life points to double the attack of one monster on the field. During the End-phase, destroy that monster.


PS: Great to see another Douglas fan.

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I would like to join. Is there a deadline?

No, until I anounce the winners its over.


If it's free then I'd LOVE to enter :)


If you don't count the Blaster to be a "character" in the series (I'd kind'a be disappointed) then I'll just have to make another card. :)




Lore: Pay half of your life points to double the attack of one monster on the field. During the End-phase, destroy that monster.


PS: Great to see another Douglas fan.

Don't worry. It'll count if it has anything to do with the movie.


PS: Yeah, Douglas Adams is a Great writer.


Please if any one is asking to join, go on ahead. its over when i say it is. now im gonna be gone for whom knows what, so don't ask me to join. ps: dont ask me if its over. pile em on.

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