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(LOCK!)The Ludicrous Tournament

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Here is my card!

[spoiler=My Card]


This massive and destructive dragon is the ultimate being in terms of power. Its attack can scorch any enemy in a single blast. Very few have ever dared to challenge this monstrosity, but those who have, have been either torn to pieces, or turned to thick, black ash. This creature of brute force has been trained under the watchful eye of the Dragon Lord itself. This destructive best also has enough power to wipe out and entire planet.


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To announce the Verdict


All cards were done beautifully and met all requirements. So It was basically down to what card matched, The OCG, and other basics. Unfortunatly Malignant you are to be eliminated tonite. Your pic looked alittle squished as if it did not fit and you don't start a sentence with "and". I'm sorry but i'm glad you were in the round.




The Round goes to Spoon. His comical desciption made his ferocious dragon seem like a joke till it snagged you and ate you. His description was very spot on and the whole concept was very original. Kudo's to you.



Now Round 1 is done. Now the fun begins.

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ok to be honest this my first ever member card so i hope this will be fine





He burns with a passion for Table Tennis, Video games and heavy metal, but above all else acts like a average person and does regular stuff with his friend. He also enjoys various animes such as "Welcome to the NHK", "K-On!" and "Ergo Proxy", aswell as being realistic and enjoy the occasional mathematics.




i'd like to thank spoon for the info and the pic

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ok to be honest this my first ever member card so i hope this will be fine




Spoon aka Malte is a 20 year old from Dortmund, Germany who is learning Management and Economics at his university. He burns burns with a passion for Table Tennis, Video games and heavy metal, but above all else acts like a average person and does regular stuff with his friend. He also enjoys various animes such as "Welcome to the NHK", "K-On!" and "Ergo Proxy", aswell as being realistic and enjoy the occasional mathematics.



i'd like to thank spoon for the info and the pic


I appreciate the card, but could you please leave the details (especially my name...) out?


Edit: Here's my card for shelds (thanks for providing me with the picture :))


[spoiler=Shelds, the Contest-Dragon]



During your End Phase, place 1 Contest Counter on a face-up monster your opponent controls. Cards with Contest Counters on them must attack each turn if possible. Each time a monster you control is destroyed by battle with a monster with a Contest Counter on them, you gain 1200 Life Points after Damage Step. If you control at least 1 other face-up monster, this card cannot be selected as an attack target.


I'm sorry, I didn't try anything to fancy with your card shelds, and I didn't go for the Vanilla part as well. I just looked at your profile and used my personal opinion: 1. 4 Stars are obvious choice ;) 2. Dragons seem to be your favourite, so I selected that Type. And 3. The effect is based on your preference of the Contest Section (where you got your most posts, the Counter part) and your helpful and friendly appearence (the Life Point part). Maybe not 100% accurate, but I hope you (and the jury *cough*) like it ;)



So long,



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i edited the card sorry, i thought this was info that you wouldn't mind people knowing, i took out the pacific info and if their is anything else you want taken off please say.


Nah, only the name, everything else is perfectly fine... I just react alergic if everybody could come to this forum and read about my name (since the name is pretty rare over here, it would be easy to find out who I am). It's nothing against you, really :)

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Because Frozenblade wanted to make sure his card was posted, I'll post it for him:



Edit: Less than 45 minutes!


Alright time for the news.


First the bad news: shelds9 is eliminated, therefore no one will be losing the round.


Good News : Everyone can now judge, but I only want to know who you think did the best beside yourself. need your result in 24 hrs.

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I give this a friendly *bump* so everybody can notice that Round 3 started :P


Card will be edited in here, just a minute (btw., another "kick ass" task you got there ;))


[spoiler=The Character]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 3 Warrior-Type monsters you control whose total ATK is 6000 or higher. This card can attack monsters you control. If it does, damage calculation is not applied. This card can attack monsters in your opponents Graveyard (they are treated as face-up Attack Position). If you destroy a card in your opponents Graveyard by battle, it is removed from play (damage calculation is not applied). This card can attack twice during each Battle Phase if the first target is in your opponents Graveyard or on your side of the field.



[spoiler=The Catch Phrase]234848e.jpg


Activate this card only if you control a face-up "Duke Nukem" and if it's the only monster you control. Special Summon 4 "Gum Tokens" (Aqua-Type/EARTH/Level 1/0 ATK/0 DEF) in Defense Position. Those Tokens cannot be Tributed or used as a Synchro Material Monster. If a "Gum Token" is sent from the field to the Graveyard, inflict 800 damage to the player who did so and place 1 Kick Ass Counter on this card. When there are 4 Kick Ass Counters on this card, destroy it. If you control a "Duke Nukem", destroy all monsters on your opponents side of the field and their hand, then remove from play all monsters in your opponents Graveyard.


The wandering King of Catch Phrases, may he reign forever!


So long,



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Challenging task(s, :P), where do you come up with them?


[spoiler=the character]



Lore: During damage-calculation, you can destroy a spell or trap card you control to increase this card's ATK by 500. If that card has an effect that activates when it is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can add it to your deck after the effect has resolved. Then shuffle the deck.




[spoiler=the catch]



Lore: If this face-down card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard by the effect of an "Esper" monster, You can destroy up to two spell or trap cards on the field.




Please be kind when it comes to the writings on the images :unsure:

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