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whats your favorite starter pokemon out of all of the starters?

chibi the dragon

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[quote name='Gary Oak' timestamp='1282426223' post='4551245']

This, but I'm surprised you're the first one to say it.

[quote name='pepperstar12' timestamp='1282429205' post='4551417']
is that even a starter pokemon. ethier it is and i forgot about it or it isant.

It's the fan name of Tsutarja.
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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1282429373' post='4551424']
This, but I'm surprised you're the first one to say it.

It's the fan name of Tsutarja.
Is it Tsutarja or Tsuataja?

I think I've been saying it wrong. :3

Well, he's my favorite. I think you know who I'll be picking in BW. :3
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1282519118' post='4555404']
Three-way tie between Totodile, Piplup, and Mijumaru.

I'm a Water-type-whore, I know. And for the other two gens, I like the Fire-type starter (Charmander and Torchic).


Grass types in Competitive Play: Venasaur (Second in UU), Sceptile (UU), Meganium (NU), Torterra (UU)

Water Types in Competitive Play: Blastoise (UU), Swampert (OU), Feraligator (UU), Empoleon (OU)

Fire Types in Competitive Play: Charizard (NU), Typhlosion (NU), Blaziken (UU), Infernape (OU)

By these statistics, Water would be the best with 2 OU and no NU, Grass is in the middle with their "domination" of UU, Fire types would be a close 3rd with 2 NU, one UU and a VERY strong OU

By weaknesses, grass is obviously the worst with 5 weaknesses and 3 s-effectives, Fire is second with 3 weaknesses and 4 s-effectives, and water is first with 2 weaknesses and 3 s-effectives.

In strategy, grass have a defensive role with the exception of Sceptile, but this defensive role fails miserably due to the 5 weaknesses. Fire have High Speed and High Offensive stats, with makes them great sweepers due to the 4 super effectives. Water focuses on taking hits and then hitting back hard which works due to the 2 weaknesses.

So this would mean that Water types are the best to start with. Grass is relatively bad, BUT NOT THE WORST! Fire types are pretty good too, but they don't seem favorable to the competitive players.
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