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Yu-Gi-Oh Revolt of the monsters


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Meh, I was bored and had an idea
[spoiler=Prologue READ]
It is the Year 3000, human evolution has become great mass and through multiple scientific attempts, the humans have finally been able to create a portal between the spirit world and human world with no fall back or pain, or so they thought. The Spirit's world energy was being deprived by the portal and they tried several times to shut it, but the humans were to powerful and kept them away. The Spirit World's population was just 25% of it's norm after one month. One monster saw the sitiuation and decided to take advantage of it. Despair of the Dark, known as Dez or the Dark lord, took advantage of the sitiuation and offered the monsters a solution. They would kill off all the humans. /the monsters swarmed the human world killing off every human on earth and the Monsters escaped to the human world to live and lef the decaying Spirit world. Dez then took over the spirit world and modfied the portal so that he could live there and planned to then takeover the Earth the monsters had now populied due to the ecadiction of the humans. Dez faced some resistence from other monsters that called them selves the White Knights, led by The Creator. Dez rallied his own army and they called themselves the Black Warriors. The War began[/spoiler]
The War that Dez had begun with the White Knights had soon ended with Dez defeated by the Creator, and him falling into pit of despair. Now another war approaches with the same intentions of Dez from a more powerful enemy. The Dark Creator, an evil incarnate of the Creator, had taken command of the Black Warriors and he ressurected great warriors and Created the Malefic Monsters, his loyal servents. The Creator had sensed teh upcoming threat and called upon his greatest warriors to combat. The war of the world was about to begin with the clash of the Creators. With the duel monster cards destroyed with the extinction of the humans, the two great power will battle with their own power.

Whose side are you alided with.[/spoiler]
1. NO GODDMODDING, don't know how many times I say it
2. You don't win just because you have higher ATK points or DEF points since they are REAL monsters
3. Color the name of your character
4. No argueing with my decision, it is final
5. No custom monsters. Pick your fav card and become it
6. Malefics are first come first serve
7. 4 line minimum, no exceptions
Age: (not that it matters)
Bio: (optional)
Appearance: (put in spoiler though we probaly known what you look like)
Rank: (only Private to Captain, must ask first if you want higher. Malefics are Auto Generals and do not need permission)
Side: (White Knights or Black Warriors)
[spoiler=accepted apps]
Abe the Demon- Thought Ruler Archfiend
[spoiler=my app]
Will come later after more people join
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name mr mind
gender male
age 2500
monster thought ruler archfiend ThoughtRulerArchfiendTDGS-EN-UR-1E.png
bio the brains of the black warriors he has an iq of 90000000000000000000000000000001
rank seargant
side black warriors

name [color="#00FF00"]mr mind[/color]
gender male
age 2500
monster thought ruler archfiend ThoughtRulerArchfiendTDGS-EN-UR-1E.png
bio the brains of the black warriors he has an iq of 90000000000000000000000000000001
rank seargant
side black warriors
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