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Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Class Wars (OOC) Not Started/Always Accepting


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[color="#0000FF"]This thread is for the Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Class Wars RP I want to start. Firstly we'll need some characters, obviously. There are 3 ranks of characters. Student/Teacher/Principal.[/color] [color="#4B0082"]Select 1 app and fill it in. If you decide to become a Teacher/Principal you may also pick the student app (which is totally optional).[/color] [color="#FF0000"]Anyways instead of having like real quizes/tests for you to take I will have you take an anime test about an anime or you'll have to make a card and have it graded out of 100. Both are graded out of 100.[/color]
In order to join you must...[/i]
1) Have knowledge of anime

2) Have knowledge of [b]this[/b] anime

3) Must be 3 stars or higher

4) Must be able to make decent cards.

....Anyways onto the applications.

About Each Rank:

They will be placed in 1 our of 6 classes (A, B, C, D, E, F). Their class depends on their enrollment score. Class A is a 95 or higher. Class B is 85-94. Class C is 70-84. Class D is 65-69. Class E is 51-64 Class F is 50 or Lower. If you get the highest score in that class range (such as 101 for Class A or 50 for Class F) then you may become a representative. They can increase their score by taking tests (anime based). The score only increases their Summoning Being's Health.

Without a Teacher a student cannot summon or start an ESB or Mock ESB. Student's Health depends on what teacher is opening the field.

Principals give an extra "subject bonus" if he opens the field for the class he moderates. Principals can teach all classes but 1 at a time.
*[/b]your application for student gives you "extra credit" if filled out decently.
[*Make sure to underline you name in the application and remove all brackets. This will get you +1]
[spoiler=Student]Name: (first and last)

Age: (older than 13. Max is 16)


Appearance: (image/description)

Bio: (adleast 2 lines no more than 5)

Summoning Appearance: (must be "sprite" like. Can be image or description)

Personality: (simple words or description)

Enrollment Card: (no pop culture [b]must[/b] be realistic. Later on you can decide)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Teacher App]
Name: (first and last)


Age: (older than 20)

Bio: (adleast 2 lines no more than 5)

Personality: (simple words or description)


Teaches: (select a subject Math, Science, Health..etc.)

Is homeroom teacher?: Yes/No
*If yes please fill out

[u]Class: (A, B, C, D, E, F)


Age: Over 30

Bio: (adleast 2 lines no more than 5)

Personality: (simple words or description)


Class Rank: (A, B, C, D, E, F)[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Example App]Name: [u]Akihisa Yoshii[/u]

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: [img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/7/76763.jpg[/img]

Bio: He lives alone in his house. Happy that he can be alone with no one to boss him around. He often plays video games ignoring studies. He is a slave to teacher's and so he is often doing errands at school. He is considered the Ultimate Idiot due to his low test scores

Summoning Appearance: [img]http://cache01.casttv.com/104x/1/l4nj2u1/idiots-classes-and-the-summoner-test-war.jpg[/img]

Personality: Often day dreams.

Enrollment Card: [img]http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/7734/149073.jpg[/img]
*-50 for pop culture
*-25 for no lore

I will post my app later.[/spoiler]
Rules & Extras
Application may not be a character from the anime.

All RP rules apply

No godmodding

Mild Swearing allowed

Only 1 Teacher/Principal app and 1 Student app allowed

[spoiler=How Battle is Conducted]Well it all depends how you attack. But don't go all godmodding and say that it only did -2 cus then I'll KIA you!
"Go summon attack!" The girl said. Her summon charged at the boy's summon and attacked with its swords. The summon's swords seem to be breaking through.

"Hahahhah won't work it only does 2 damage!" The boy said.

No don't do that. Please be realistic and make sure to keep track of your score while in battle. That's all.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Tests] In the making[/spoiler]

More information will be added once we get questions etc.

Accepted Students[/u]
(*Username/Character Name/Class/Health)*stars equal a rep
.:Zain:. /Zain Yamoto/B/910
.Legend/Koda Lynne/A/1000
Mysterium Tremendum/Jack Riddle/A/980

[u]Accepted Teachers/Principals[/u]
(Username/Character Name/Class)*equals head principal
Kuri/Warren Davis/All*
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Here is my app:[spoiler=Application]Name: [u]Zain Yamoto[/u]



Appearance: [IMG]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j7/flameyoh/Anime%20Guys/Xiye.jpg[/IMG]

Bio: Zain tends to be alone a lot, but he longs to be friends with everyone. He lives with his parents, but they tend to never be around when he is home due to their busy work schedules . He usually reads in his free time, but he will occasionally watch television or play video games.

Summoning Appearance: [IMG]http://i1021.photobucket.com/albums/af339/redeyesclan/Untitled-1.png[/IMG]
Personality: Kind and sympathetic, but tends to be alone a lot.

Enrollment Card: [img]http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/8324/172788.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
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yea you would have gotten into class A and become a rep :P

[spoiler=My Application]Name: Warren Davis (Mr.Davis)

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Bio: He may look too young to be a principal, but he strikes fear into others. He is the head principal of the school. He has a secret power, but no one has seen it yet. He often stays in the office and let's the other principals do the work for him.

Personality: quiet, often lost in thought
Class Rank: All

Appearance: [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/266/7/f/Anime_Guy_by_CannibalTaco34.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

My app O.o forget to add appearance

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Name: Koda Lynne

Age: 14

Gender: M


Bio: Kodas parents died in a car accident and his sister lives with his cousin. koda has little friends.

Summoning Appearance: Im not sure what you mean but:
Koda gets akimbo pistols that shoot energy lazors. He wears a wight trenchcoat and a blue undershirt with a red cross hair. He also wears bkack jeans.

Personality: Calm when outside of battle, nervous when in battle.

Enrollment Card:
This card cannot be placed in face-up Defence Position (except by the effect of a card). This card cannot be destroyed by battle (damage calculation is applied normaly). Once per turn you can remove 1 card from your hand to add 200 ATK points and remove 200 DEF points from this card. If the owner of this card has less then 3 cards in his/her hand, send this card to the graveyard.
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http://www.watchanimeon.com/anime/baka-to-test-to-shoukanjuu/: I recommend for anyone else wanting to watch the anime.

My App - Reader
Reader - My App

Name: [u]Jack Riddle[/u]

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Before Jack started attending Fumizuki academy, he moved from school to school due to his parents constantly looking for work. He never had much time to make friends, but always found it sad when he had to move once again, having gotten use to the routine by the time his parents once again had to move. Recently however, his father was able to land a secure job and Jack is eager to finally settle down and catch up on his school work.

Summoning Appearance:
o Clad in Silver plate armor , resembling a knight. Wields a large Silver-blade. Has same hair style and color as Jack.
Sword looks kind of like this:
Pretend this is silver, had to put this just to give an idea.

Eager to learn and experience the many things that pervade his environment. Jack is also friendly, albeit a little shy and sometimes freezes up when he's too nervous to speak to someone. He is calm and approaches school work logically and rarely panics.

Enrollment Card:
Before the duel if this card is in your Deck, show it to your opponent and place it in your Deck face-up. Your Deck is then shuffled. If this card would be added to your hand by a card effect, you can negate the effect and destroy it. During your Main Phase when this card is on top of your Deck, you can remove from play 1 monster that your opponent controls. Once per turn during your Standby Phase when you control this face-up card, you can pay 800 Life Points to select 1 Level 6 or lower monster your opponent controls and remove it from play. During each of your opponent's Standby Phases, roll a six-sided die. If the result is a 4 or higher, the monster removed from play by this effect is returned to your opponent's Monster Card Zone in face-up Attack Position. This counts as a Special Summon. You can only have 1 monster removed from play by this effect at 1 time.

For the best however, I would like to know if you've figured out how you're going to set your tests up and what they'll consist of. Anime questions, reasoning and logic questions, Riddles?
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accepted. Anyways your card was a bit too rant-ish? Its effect always had 'something'. Though I took the time to read it and finally understood it. -3 for lengthy card but that +1 gets you 98% so welcome to Class A. Sorry for lamely deducting those points but I really care the lengthiness of the card just usefulness. 1st effect was a bit random so that was the main point of why I deducted points. And the tests? Well they are 1+ questions the lower the questions the much more seemingly hard it is. In the making right now
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