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it was on shriektcg i think...





Yet another Sign Of The Apocalypse that Konami is getting involved with the End Of The World, AGAIN.


Gawd, Konami really needs to get a life. Adding "rainbow"-lettering to ordinary rare cards does not accomplish anything whatsoever. Seriously.


Am I right, or am I seriously right? (If anybody says I'm wrong, speak your case now before I shoot you down without even starting anything.)


Promotional? Serously, when does, scratch that, when did Konami EVER get a promotional opportunity to "make everybody happy with Rainbow-lettered cards that seem to have no effect on the card, people, or card's value whatsoever!"?




You may now take this pleasant 10-minute offering to now officially stare Konami in the face and laugh at them for as long as you like.




Not like that'll solve anything, but with these rainbow-lettering ideas on TAEV rares, Konami hasn't solved anything, either. In fact, all they did was prove that "We can appeal to everybody's taste of having cards look shinier and cooler then ever!"


THAT DOES NOT SOLVE ANYTHING! Nobody wants shiny! Everybody wants cards! Powerful cards! Powerful ass-kicking, deck demolishing cards! Not some fancy promotional Konami threw in Rainbow tins for no apparent reason whatsoever.


Hey, Konami, maybe next time, you should listen to what other kids have to say about what they expect from you, and not what they want you to make, especially when it's a useless idea with no effect or apparent change on the game WHATSOEVER!


I hope you enjoyed today's rant. See you next time, Konami! (Next time you make something else completely useless.)


[i know it wasn't called for, but I just had coffee, I couldn't help it. Besides, everybody here knows I don't take responsability for anything I say. Ever.]

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Exactly, they're only appealing to the "kids", they're not appealing to the "duelists", those who actually PLAY the god damm game and not collect them because they look pretty.


It's an utterly useless attempt to draw more people to play the game. Plus, I never heard an announcement or anything, so, how would they be able to draw more kids to play/collect the cards, if they don't know about this "special edition rainbow-lettering on every TAEV rare you buy in the tin"?


It really doesn't make sense, but hey, we're talking about Konami. No surprise there.

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because if you have no pic we will classify you as a liar' date=' and likely flame you.


just post a pic or admit that what you said is untrue.



I don't think we're that untrustworthy here. And we definitely won't flame you for not posting a pic.


And that ultimatum is completely unfair, don't forget, you also have the choice to not post a pic, and just let us go by your word. Personally, I couldn't care less if you are telling the truth or not. And I'm not gonna ask you to post a pic of a misprint. Misprints are made all the time, some of them crazier than others. I don't need proof every time someone claims they have one.


But like Horus said, I'm pretty sure it was intentional as well. I too remember that being said somewhere, maybe even on a topic in this forum (but not really likely).

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because if you have no pic we will classify you as a liar' date=' and likely flame you.


just post a pic or admit that what you said is untrue.



I don't think we're that untrustworthy here. And we definitely won't flame you for not posting a pic.


And that ultimatum is completely unfair, don't forget, you also have the choice to not post a pic, and just let us go by your word. Personally, I couldn't care less if you are telling the truth or not. And I'm not gonna ask you to post a pic of a misprint. Misprints are made all the time, some of them crazier than others. I don't need proof every time someone claims they have one.


But like Horus said, I'm pretty sure it was intentional as well. I too remember that being said somewhere, maybe even on a topic in this forum (but not really likely).


I agree, but if someone claims to have one of those one of a kind misprinted Dark Paladins that ranged from missing names, to all black pictures, and even odd ink blots and images.


Oh, and i found this misprint, it is NOT mine, and I find it sorta funny.




Haha, a banned toon summoned skull. Epic Failure.

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