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The Sky is Falling Down, a Percy Jackson RP l Started l Accepting l PG16 l Co-Hosted By TwiggityTwang

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[center][i]A Group of Half-Bloods Four or More
Complete a Quest and Ignite a War
Nobody Shall Win and Nobody Shall Lose
But Salvation or Death, One Will Choose
The End of a Life
Shall Stop the Strife
The Traitors, Defenders, and Neutrals Shall Revive
But Not Many Will Be Left Alive
The Half-Bloods Left to Die
Must Prepare to Fight the Lord of the Sky

[size="2"]Note: This WILL NOT Make Too Much Sense Until The Parts are Fufilled to Which I Will Indicate by Putting the Line of the Prophecy in "OOC:" in the Next Post of Mine[/size]

No Godmodding
No Powerplaying
No Metagaming
Keep EVERYTHING at PG16 i.e. Romance, Violence, Swearing, etc.
No Posts Under Four Lines Long
If You Read the Rules Then You'd Know That There is No Password

Age(Under 18 Please):
Godly Parent:
Magical Items(Optional):
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[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Name: Grey Faltren
Age: 15
Appearance [spoiler=Grey][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs48/150/f/2009/205/0/d/Random_Anime_Guy_by_animeAnimeANMIE.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Gender: Dude
Godly Parent: Apollo
Weapons: A bow and arrow and a xiphos (Greek sword) named Tragoudi Kardias (Greek for Heart's Song), the latter of which is formed from a guitar pick Grey keeps in his pocket.
Magical Items: The guitar pick that forms Heart's Song and a lyre with hypnotizing capabilities when a song is played. The song must also be sung (If it has lyrics) in Greek. However, the hypnosis lasts only as long as the song played.
Bio: Grey lived alone with his mother until he turned 13, when he discovered his abilities and was claimed by Apollo. He was taken to Camp Half-Blood with nothing eventful happening, where he trained in music, archery, and swordsmanship, all of which he excelled at. He is currently the head of the Apollo House.
Password: lol wut?[/font]
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Name:Edmond Intrilligator
Age: 15
Appearance: http://www.sequentialtart.com/images/0504/cv_hair_1.jpg
Gender: Male
Godly Parent:Athena,
Weapons:Bow, throwing daggers, Short Spear
Magical Items(Optional):Psychic(clairvoyance, telekinesis, manipulation of special psychic energy) helmet, homing,armor piercing throwing daggers
Bio:Always the smartest in his class (even reading, he's good with english & Greek), he was discovered to be a demi-god at 14.Cheerful with a great sense of humor.Has training in 3 forms of Kung Fu (monkey,mantis,Drunken fist).Unofficial leader of Athena(people listen to him more).
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Name: Jason Dreed
Age(Under 18 Please): 17
Gender: M
Godly Parent: Ares
Weapons: bronze tipped spear Epithetikos Polemos(War of Aggression) and bronze shield To Teichos(Wall)
Magical Items(Optional): ball point pen(forms the spear) and a bronze colored CD(forms shield)
Bio: Jason was abandoned when he was four, and was taken in by a rather rich family, Jason grew up happy and got any and everything he wanted, but if there was even one flaw Jason's temper would consume him and he would go on a mad rage. Jason started school and he was always stronger than all the other boys, he had a drive that pushed him to be better something that made him want to be strong, but one thing Jason was really good at was having the courage to stand up for anyone he saw as his friend. Jason even picked up a kid and put him in a wall because he as bullying one of his friends. Jason also seemed to have a great joy in hunting, he loved it, but he loved it more when he killed something, he never cared about what it was or how big or small it was.
Password: it does not exist in this world
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I included my (incomplete) character since we need four 2 - 4 = 2

and here he is! alhough he's incomplete
[spoiler=My Incomplete character]
Name: Virgil C. Dornez
Age: 15
Appearance: Direct Your Eyes to My Avatar
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Hermes
Weapons: A Pair (10 in all) Celestial Bronze monomolecular razor wires that are strong enough to break down a building, but weak enough to tie up enemies without damaging them, the wires are not named. He also has a short sword called Tilde (means Slash in Greek)
Magical Items(Optional): His Magic Glove which when he clicks hia fingers grows the razor wires
Password: lul yup
Twiggity Could You Make the IC I Gotta Leave Soon
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Name: Selene
Age(Under 18 Please): 15
Appearance(Pic/Desc) She has long black hair and green eyes the color of emeralds. They sparkle all the time, whether in sunlight or moonlight. She has a lanky, tall frame with a light complexion, and is a fast runner because of her tallness and long legs.
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: She was claimed by both Apollo and Athena, and after a long fight ensued between the two, (though it wasn't THAT big, nothing on earth was affected except for Selene's warring mind) when they compromised and Selene got the brains of an Athena but the bow and arrow skills of Apollo. (if this isn't allowed I'll edit, I just couldn't choose)
Weapons: Bow and Arrow and bronze knife.
Magical Items(Optional): The cap of invisibility that was originally Annabeth Chase's is usually shared amongst the Athena cabin (where she stays, seeing as the children of Artemis are usually on the wild hunt thing...) so sometimes she has that, sometimes she doesn't.
Bio: She is usually quite bubbly most of the time, having been brought up by her biological father and an adopted mother; they both were very supportive parents. Her father told her about Camp Half Blood when she was eleven, and she has spent the rest of her summers training there. she is quite the fearsome warrior now!
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