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The Bound Spirits (Not Started) (Co-Hosted by DarkAngel787 and PikaPerson01) [OOC/Accepting/LITERATE]

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This world is not much unlike Earth, aside from geography and name. This world is named "Reus-Anim." The inhabitants of Reus-Anim ar like normal humans, except with a special ability--They were gifted from birth a "Animus," a spirit who is bound to its designated human until the bonded human dies, after which the Animus dies as well. Humans who have mastered the control of their Animus are referred to as "Animus Vinco." These Animus Vinco have three roles in the world: Curators (Heroes), Anarchosa (Villains), and Proeliators (Fighters [Street/Pro]). What will you be, and what is your Animus?[/spoiler]
I have three:
1. All, and I mean ALL YCM RP rules apply. Not going in-depth because you should know what they are.
2. Up to two characters per person.
3. To prove you read these rules and the above plot, please spoiler one random word in your app.[/spoiler]
Appearance: Description or Pic. Please place in spoiler tag.
Gender: Just in case it's confusing.
Sexual Orientation:
Catchphrase: (Optional)
Bio: (Optional)
Animus: Include name and description.
Animus Ability: Self-explanitory.
Role: Curator, Anarchosa, Proeliator (Street/Pro)
[spoiler=My App]

Name: Grey Faltren
Appearance: [spoiler=Grey][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs48/150/f/2009/205/0/d/Random_Anime_Guy_by_animeAnimeANMIE.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Gender: Dude
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Catchphrase: Grah/Gah!
Bio: N/A
Animus: Hakkin. A silver reptilian creature resembling a large water monitor (About 15 ft. long)
Animus Ability: Has the ability to alter his body structure and produce [spoiler=Rule 3]mass[/spoiler] quantities of platinum from the ground.
Role: Proeliator-Street
Other: Eh, I'll come up with something cool later. [/spoiler]
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Name: Hirokashi

yeaaa boi
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: straight
Bio: When he was born he had certain unknown feature sthat had never been seen before, for one during his birth he wasn't crying, he has never been happy, only angry and frustrated. Growing up he nmever played with other children but kept to himself, he soon became a wanted criminal, things only exculated when he got his Kisuru Blade. A blade found to him through his Animus, the sword is big and has unknown potential.
Animus: Lucifer. An ancient being known to bring chaos to worlds, when he was finally killed he was turned into an evil spirit and possessed a young baby upon it's birth.
Animus Ability: Can teleport in black mist
Role: Anarchosa
Other: his sword allows is stronge enough to cut through anything its said it served an ancient chaos figure slaying over 1 million beings.
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Name: Selene
Appearance: Description or Pic. Please place in spoiler tag. [spoiler=pic][IMG]http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd157/outofthebluerandomluv/Anime%20Girls/sachienormal_green_eyes.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Gender: Female; what kind of male is Selene?
Sexual Orientation: straight...
Bio: (Optional) Even thogh it's optional, I'll do it when I'm not in a rush...sorry...
Animus: She calls her Animus Cerise, and as to not attract [spoiler=THE WORD]Attention[/spoiler] her Animus takes form as a Raven.
Animus Ability: It can shapeshift into whatever form it wants.
Role: Curator
Other: her weapon of choice is a Katana, though she rarely needs to use it as much with her animus at her side.

I hope I did it right! This is a great idea for an rp, by the way, twiggity :3
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(I don't know exactly you expect the world to be, fantasy, modern, science ficition, so I assumed it was modern, as per the 'This world is not much unlike Earth' line.

Also, I stole my sig pic from the internet.)

Name: Felix Cheshire

Appearance: An artful villain, typically spotted wearing only the classiest of ornaments. A suit, a vest, a long coat, white gloves, bow tie, and a top hat. His hair is rather long and almost feminine. He also wears glasses. A distinguishing mark is a red, cat paw tattoo on his right cheek, with an arrow going through it.


Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: He has no interest in either sex, though her acts rather flamboyant and over the top from time to time.

Catchphrase: "Fascinating."

Bio: (Bah, too lazy. <_<)

Animus: Calico. An all black, 9 tailed (lol, Naruto) 20 foot tall, 30 foot long cat demon with a frightening, skull-like face.


Animus Ability: 9 Lives

Exactly what it says on the tin, but with a twist. On his first life, he's pretty much a typical, unassuming man, just with a few more heightened senses, quicker reflexes, and the ability to land on his feet, but as his lifes go down, his skills go up. On his next rebirth, his strength, speed, and sense would be doubled, and upon the next, doubled again. (As in, 2x of the first on the second life. 4x of the first on the third. 8x on the fourth. It's double of the previous one.) One, final twist, is his mental capabilities drop as his life ends and restarts. This goes on nine times until he, once and for all, dies.

The increase in skill and strength and decline in intelligence and such is always on.

Role: Anarchosa

Other: This would probably be a good place to stick in a [spoiler]spoiler[/spoiler].

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Name: Aki Hikari
Gender: Female/Girl/Gal/Chick/Dudette/Woman (you get the point)
Sexual Orientation: [spoiler=>:)]Straight[/spoiler]
Catchphrase: The word 'smite' is pretty much her catchphrase.
Bio: Aki is actually much older then the eye shows you, and this is because she has learned to take complete advantage of her Animus' powers.
Animus: Arcadia, a spectral, japanese styled dragon. She is, however, rarely seen and it has thus lead some to believe that Aki lacks an Animus, which would make her a very rare case.
Animus Ability: Arcadia has the ability to fuse with any kind of object and enhance that objects durability and power.
Role: Curator
Other: The secret about Aki's long lifespan and the apparent lack of an Animus is that Arcadia is fused with Aki's body most of the time. However, if Aki infuses Arcadia into another object, such as a weapon, Aki will slowly start to age and weaken for as long as Arcadia is not inside her. When Arcadia returns to her body it will start to revert to normal, but this may take up to a day, depending on how long Arcadia was outside her body.

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