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Premature Burial/Non-spellcasting Area (ruling question)

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I couldn't find the answer on the Wikia


So... Non-Spellcasting Area is face-up. I activate Premature Burial. Is it then possible to Special Summon a Normal Monster from the graveyard?


If so, what happens to the Normal Monster equipped with Premature Burial if Premature Burial is destroyed while Non-Spellcasting Area is face-up on the field. Is it destroyed or does the monster remain on the field?

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ok, if a normal monster is selected by the effect of premature burial it can be special summoned to the field... because the monster is unnafected by spell cards whe it is on the field, NOT ON THE GRAVE!!


so, is non-spellcasting area is active and premature burial equipped to a normal monster is destroyed, the monster is unnafected by the equip card, so it's not destroyed...



this thread is unnecesary if you read carefully the card...

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