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Dragon's Rage deck {2 new cards}


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here are my dragons.




[spoiler= Dragon's Rage][spoiler= Monster]507749.jpg507749y.jpg507749t.jpg507749c.jpg507749ma.jpg507749n.jpg



[spoiler= Dragon Lords]this are the most powerful monsters in this set.[spoiler= lore]the Dagon Lord cards all gain 500 Atk points for each monster of the same element they arein the graveyard. Each one of the Dragon Lords are named after a greek god.




[spoiler= Protectors of the Myth]my new dragons are here to keep this myth jest a myth 211583.jpg




[spoiler=The mythic beasts]211583a.jpg





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Picture: (9/10.) It is not that bad, just 1 picture keeps you from 10/10. Which is "Blue Eyes Reincarnate." (The reason is it has no background. But it is nice.)


OCG: (4/10.) "Red Spike Dragon" has no reason to be a tuner, just a normal effect monster. Also, here is what the effect for "Red Spike Dragon" should look like::

"Once this card is destroyed from a result of battle, destroy the attacking card."

"Skull Dragon" is weird here is what you should put to balance the card out:

"Once this card is sent to the Graveyard pay 500 Life Points and send this card to the top of your Deck."

"Dragon Summoner" is not that bad just one thing...

Dragon - type == Dragon-type. No spaces.

"Blue Eyes White Dragon Reincarnate" you should have to pay to summon Blue Eyes White Dragon. EX::

"Once this card is sent to the Graveyard or removed from play, pay 1000 Life Points and Special Summon "Blue Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard to the field." Same as with "Blue eyes Shining Dragon Reincarnation."

Water Lord: (Saying this so it could go faster.) Instead of saying Sacrifice you have to say Tribute.

This card has bad wording, re-word it.

Pretty much the same thing with the rest of the Dragon lords.


Total: (5/10.) These cards aren't that bad. Keep working on it!

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Pictures: 5/10, 3 pics were bad out of 6, (the last 3) means half
Stats: 10/10! lovely stats! finally! someone with balanced cards, not only boring 2800, 3000, 4000, 2200, 2400 everywhere.
Effects: 5/10 VERY overpowered. I can easily find a card that would destroy one of your monsters as a cost for a great effect + it will summon a blue eyes? and some big OCG errors, and the grammar is a bit bad..
Taste: 8/10
7/10 overall.
good job.

Where did you found the picture for Skull Dragon?

btw: Skull Dragon has the exact effect of a card in the OCG, means he needs no cost.

"When this card is destroyed by battle, destroy the attacking monster"

"Once per turn, if this card would have been destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed (Damage calculation applied normally)."

"Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position"

"When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand or Deck."

"When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon" from your hand or Deck ignoring the Summoning conditions."
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[b]Monster Section:[/b]

Hmm, for the pics I'd have to give you a 5/10. The first three pics are really awesome looking, especially the "Skull Dragon" because it holds the Yugioh cartoon-pic style without looking stupid. However, Dragon Summoner could be worked on, the "Blue Eyes White Dragon Incarnate" has no background, and the "Blue Eyes Shining Dragon Incarnate"... I just don't like it that much because there's already "Kaibaman", which is another reason I'm not fond of B.E.W.D.I.

As for the effects (not including the Swamp Dragon because it doesn't have one), I'd have to give you a 4/10 because of wording and a couple other things. First of all, "Red Spike Dragon" is worded slightly off. You can word it the way Leo Fin said: [b]"Once this card is destroyed from a result of battle, destroy the attacking card."[/b]. Also, I don't think it has any use being a Tuner. Unless you plan on making a Synchro monster in the future, you might as well make it a regular Effect monster. "Skull Dragon" is unbalanced. Do something like "If your opponent chooses this card as an attack target, send one monster from your hand to the Graveyard instead of this card." Or you can send a Spell or Trap Card, or reduce your Life Points. Fact is that it needs balance. In "Dragon Summoner", the only issue is that [b]Dragon - Type[/b] is supposed to be written without spaces (Dragon-Type). Then there are the Incarnates. Way OPed. You need to balance those out big time. And I hold to the "Kaibaman" already exists to this argument. Like Skull Dragon, sacrifice a card or reduce your Life Points. However, for the Shining Incarnate, I am glad you added "Ignoring Summoning conditions" at the end of it, because that could have been a powerful argument against this card.

[b]Dragon Lords Section:[/b]

Pics = 10/10. They are consistent with each other: powerful dragons with their respective element in the background. Very creative and good work.

Effects = 10/10. Very nice, though not [i]entirely[/i] creative to boost their ATK for monster in the Graveyard with their respective elements. However, they're well thought out. I like these much better than your normal monsters.
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