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The Club of L.I.F.E

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Welcome to the wonderful club of




Here we talk about everything that is anything, from T.V Shows and Video Games to GFXing


Simple club, the idea came to me when i was looking for a club so i could talk about whatever i want, a club where the members make the topic, Anime, manga, by everything i really mean EVERYTHING.



If you wana join, just say so :3


And please....Read The Rules



1.No spamming will be tolerated

2.No one under 3 stars is allowed to join, to prevent spam i have to do this, unless i make acceptions, sorry

3.Anyone who decides to just pop in and goes all "This club is stupid" and then pops out will be reported

4.If i feel we have to much members, no one will be allowed to join

5.All other YCM Rules apply





Mr.Woof Woof



Bold = Leader allowed to accept people

Underline = Moderators




Come in and have fun ^^


Note: Anyone who is inactive for 2 weeks without a reason will be kicked and he/she will have to rejoin, if there is space

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