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My new custom card template (NEW)

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Hello everyone, this is my newest custom template and i hope you will like it



*No spamming, no swearing, no bad word or you will be reported

*all YCM rule applied

*If you did not pay, you are not allowed to use my Template. In ANY way. This includes editing it. You may not share it. Once you'd paid, i'll give you the link to download it, you may use/edit the Template as you wish.

*And finally, no ripping







[spoiler=For HR]

*The template is free for people who use HR

*Cannot use in shop or request, cannot claim as own, cannot use in other forum and DO NOT try to sell it to other people

*DO NOT ripping



[spoiler=For FR]

*The template is 50 points for people who use FR

*Can use in shop or request, cannot claim as own, must give credit, cannot sell it to other people and cannot use in other forum.

DO NOT ripping



[spoiler=For FOR]

*The template is 100 points for people who use FOR

*can use in shop or request, cannot claim as own, can use in other forum, can use without give credit, cannot sell it to other people. DO NOT ripping



If there's anyone who break the rule, i'll reported that person to MOD

+rep are appreciate.



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Srsly the template isnt good


The attribute is bad


The red lines around the picture, name, edition and set looks bad


edition, set, creator and serial number look bad, you should of went over them and then used something like a white brush to rewrite them.


Not liking the stars either.


You could of made no name on it and then went over the name box with the colors ovr it and set the opacity lower and then used a nice font to re write the name.


Also a nice red border would of been nice.


So I think this template is only worth around 0-20 points


People would give stuff that arent good for free

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The colours are pretty bright over the top, kind of just overpowers the whole entire sense of Yugioh Cards in my sense. Yes, colour plays a big part in my mind of Yugioh Cards. The attribute would look sick (epic) if in an animation, it would look awesome as it could glow. Just an idea, all on all, overpowered for the balance of colour (much too dark) but I will not say this is a bad performance. For your effort, well done :/

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I really dont get it, what's the point of making custom Templates like this when there are YuGiOh templates that are used for an actual look of a card. I mean, nice work, I like the template, but cards look better when made in a real template. This is just custom for fun :D. But, I guess you put a lot of effort in this one, I mean congrats, it looks good, but...I wouldn't use it :).

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