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Shifter Academy [Pg 16, Accepting] [Ooc] ~Co-owned by Skarlet <3~

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Britney, baby, with your permission I'd like to bring in a 4th character. My friend wants to do it but she's very new to RPing and I want to have a character to accompany her. [i'll bring the character in when she joins, but I'll write it off if you're against me juggling 4]

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I'ma Makin' 'Nother Character!!!


Name: Walter (Nicknamed: Wally) Dournes (Yes He is In Fact Caoru's Cousin)

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Border of Bisexual and Straight so He's... Bi-Straight

Appearence: My Avatar, but If You Want...

[spoiler=Pic] Walter__Hellsing__The_Dawn_by_Hellmaster05.jpg


Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Red Fox

Personality: Rescourceful, Witty, Friendly, Charming, Mischievious, Verbally Abusive. Incredibly Evil Towards his Enemies and He's British.

Animal Shift Reasoning: His (incredibly similar) personality and that he lived and grew up with them.

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I've been really busy, so I was only able to get my first post up just now. I'll be able to get a lot more up every day now, but before I continue I wanted to know the whole house situation. It seems like people are just going to the house they want, but I wanted to check, since it could get kind of awkward if I have my guy join a house only to be told that the people in that house wanted someone else to join them. But if it's just choosing to be with any two people, then I'll be fine.

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Name: Jason Nitrus

Age: 15

Sexual Orientation: Straight

[spoiler=Appearence: ]




Bio: Lazy right now...

Animal Shift: Bear

Personality: Jason is a very outgoing person, head strong and always confident with his choices. He typically is always smiling and hard to make upset. The only other mood people has seen Jason in was angry, and that was never a pretty sight. He always gets violent when angry, and his rage ends up in a fight most of the times.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Jason had always been afraid of bears as a young child and lacked going in the woods because of that. Eventually, he was forced to go in the woods to get over his fear. His fear of the woods eventually died down after that and he went in more frequently. Then while he was looking around in the woods, he encountered a bear cave. A huge behemoth of a bear approached him as Jason trembled in fear, but it did not attack. Instead, the bear yawned and lied down next to him going back into a slumber. Jason was confused by the bears actions but did not run away. He stayed to watch the bear until nightfall, and returned the next day. He considered that bear to be a friend, as strange as it may sound. Though he always watched it, he had a dying wish that the bear could talk back.

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New Character Time

Name: Alex Carlin

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: Brown hair, heterochromatic eyes (He's got a green one and a brown one), fair skin, perpetual warm smile.

Bio: Grey is the only child of a wealthy family who built a lab in East Asia that is now the leading center for scientific research. However, he developed a condition soon after birth that made it so he requires a certain chemical found only in East Asian fruit or else he will die. However, his parents amassed a large quantity of fruit and send it to him periodically while he lives in America at the Academy.

Animal Shift: Giant Fruit Bat

Personality: Kind and caring. He only eats fruit imported directly from Eastern Asia, thankfully his family's wealth means he can live wherever and still have access. He does not consider himself to be better than anyone in this regard, it is simply that he is unable to eat anything else. He often buys things for other people out of generosity.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Giant Fruit Bats are from Eastern Asia, which is the location Alex gets his fruit from. Also, Alex once saw a Giant Fruit Bat die on his front lawn when he lived in Asia for a short time.

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OK! To answer all of your questions about the housing arrangements.


1. There is co-ed dorming which means boys and girl can live together......P.S. We need more girls.

2. There are 10 house's that can house up to 20 people.

3. In each house there is a certain set of rooms, some rooms for 3,2 or 1.

4. The pictures only say what HOUSE you live in, not the room.

5. For now, all of the current characters being controlled all live in the same house, so you HAVE to interact with them.


Id any of you have ANY questions at all just pm me and i'll answer any and all questions (Dont message Skarlet cause he doesn't know about this yet :))

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