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Shifter Academy [Pg 16, Accepting] [Ooc] ~Co-owned by Skarlet <3~

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[spoiler=Plot]So basically your just a regular person living your life. THen your world is turned upside down when it turns out that one of your parents, or both of them, are shifters. Your sent off to an academy specifically made for Shifters to help them control there shifting abilities. Now since your in the academy its all of your choices from here on out. Are you going to be that nice little kid that only use's there shift for good purpose's. Or are you going to be that bad kid that use's there shifts for fun and to do whatever they want. It all your choice.


[spoiler=Rules]1. ALL YCM RULES APPLY

2. All posts MUST be at least one paragraph long/

3. You only get 3 warnings.

4. Once your warnings are used up, your out NO EXCEPTIONS!

5. Have fun

6. No arguing, only in character arguing will be tolerated.

7. If there is any argument bring it up with me or Skarlet and we'll clear it up

8. Have fun, have fun and have fun.

9. You can have up to 4 characters.


[spoiler=The App]Name:


Sexual Orientation: (Gay, Bi, Straight)

Appearence: (Description or pic. If pic put in spoiler)

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift:


Animal Shift Reasoning: (Why does your person shift into the animal that he/she has? Give reason and don't just make it 'It was his/her favorite animal growing up'. Give some reasoning, Tie it in with there appearence, Tie it with their personality. This is very much required)


[spoiler=My Apps]Name: Britney Marie DeBarge

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: [spoiler=1]28w06sh.png


Bio: N/A

Animal Shift: Hummingbird

Personality: Very funny. She is really sensitive and she does cry for even the smallest rude comment.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Well when Britney was growing she was really attracted to Flowers. She used to have the biggest garden with her mother and their garden attracted tons of Hummingbirds.


Name: Natalie Layne Betancur

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Appearence: [spoiler=2]taylor.jpg


Bio: N/A

Animal Shift: Blue Penguin

Personality: Very sweet. She has to be treated very nicely cause she's like a little baby. She has to get everything she wants but her sweetness makes her still loveable

Animal Shift Reasoning: Well Natalie is one of the smallest children in her family. Blue Penguins are one of the smallest species of penguins. Her family is also large which matches the size of a group of Blue Penguins in the wild.


Name: Justin Daniel Brandt

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Appearence: [spoiler=3]MV5BMTkwNzIwNDkzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzYzMzc2Mw__V1__SX333_SY500_.jpg


Bio: N/A

Animal Shift: Lion

Personality: He is a complete sports freak. He does have a sensitive side to him. Justin does get defensive when it comes to his sexuality.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Lion's are the kings of the savannah. Justin is the star quarter back in the football team so he's basically the kind of the football team. He is also admired by many people from the school.


[spoiler=The Accepted][spoiler=Skarlet]Name: Kaylee Adams

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Appearence: 20e0735.png

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Snow leopard

Personality: Affectionate, playful, protective, loyal, calm and layed-back.

Animal Shift Reasoning: When Kaylee was young she was lost on a family hiking trip. She found a gravely wounded snow leopard and it's cubs. The leopard allowed her to stay with it and use her body for warmth, until finally both she and the mother leopard were rescued. The leopard now lives in the zoo in her home town.




Name: Ashley Tyler

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Appearence: 57e2653.png

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Gallah

Personality: Social butterfly; talkative, up beat, happy energetic, but easily frieghtened.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Ashley used to live in Australia, where he found a dead Gallah, it was hit by a car. Ashley continued to look around the area and found it's nest. He took the eggs and kept them alive, hatching them under a heating lamp and taking care of them as chics.




Name: Seth Conner

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: 603d256.png

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Mongoose

Personality: Quiet, athletic, loner. Very protective over people he cares about.

Animal Shift Reasoning: A long time ago, Seth saw a Snake handling show while traveling in India with his family. Seth was attacked by the de-venomed Cobra, which would have killed him had they not released a mongoose to protect him from the snake. (they actually do that)





[spoiler=The Final Messenger]Name: Caoru Dournes

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Straight




Bio: N/A

Animal Shift: Wolf

Personality: brusque ,reasonable, intelligent, serious, resentful, insecure. He also has a preference for being alone.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Due to his personality, and the fact that when hewas younger he was lost in a forest and stayed with a pack of wolves until someone found him.



[spoiler=Time Psyduck]

Name: Arthur Matlock

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Appearance: Very tall, standing somewhere just over 6' 5", and with a broad and muscular frame, he is physically rather intimidating. He has rather plain hair, that's best described as a dark blond, which he usually has fairly short, small grey eyes and a rather large nose.

Bio: [Will be added if I can come up with one]

Animal Shift: African Elephant

Personality: Surprisingly for someone so large, he is rather gental, and prefers not to fight. He's somewhat caring, although also somewhat detached, almost aloof at times, and contemplative and thoughtful. Doesn't speak a great deal, because he tends to think it out carefully, and get the most he can from what he does say.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Like him, Elephants are large, but peaceful creatures. They're also well known for their memory, another trait that Arthur has.




Name: Shin Itō

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: [spoiler=Appereance]shoichianimeanimalguys3.jpg


Bio: When Shin was growng up he was normaly shy.He would always go to school and never talk to people.He was kicked out after showing his parents what he could do.Not long after his brother was kicked out for bring a shifter.They have been together a long time and they do not ever leave each other behind.They were founded by kids from the school and enroled in it.

Animal Shift: Cat

Personality: Shy,Loving,and cares about alot of people.

Animal Shift Reasoning: One day he had been in the forest when he saw a strange cat.It was staying close to him and he kept it.After this strange encounter he studied all cat related animal.Once he fod a cat the same as his and it bit him.He screamed in pain as he was there in the mddle of the forest shifting from human to cat.









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Name: Kaylee Adams

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Appearence: 20e0735.png

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Snow leopard

Personality: Affectionate, playful, protective, loyal, calm and layed-back.

Animal Shift Reasoning: When Kaylee was young she was lost on a family hiking trip. She found a gravely wounded snow leopard and it's cubs. The leopard allowed her to stay with it and use her body for warmth, until finally both she and the mother leopard were rescued. The leopard now lives in the zoo in her home town.




Name: Ashley Tyler

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Appearence: 57e2653.png

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Gallah

Personality: Social butterfly; talkative, up beat, happy energetic, but easily frieghtened.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Ashley used to live in Australia, where he found a dead Gallah, it was hit by a car. Ashley continued to look around the area and found it's nest. He took the eggs and kept them alive, hatching them under a heating lamp and taking care of them as chics.




Name: Seth Conner

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: 603d256.png

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Mongoose

Personality: Quiet, athletic, loner. Very protective over people he cares about.

Animal Shift Reasoning: A long time ago, Seth saw a Snake handling show while traveling in India with his family. Seth was attacked by the de-venomed Cobra, which would have killed him had they not released a mongoose to protect him from the snake. (they actually do that)



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Name: Caoru Dournes

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Straight





Bio: N/A

Animal Shift: Wolf

Personality: brusque ,reasonable, intelligent, serious, resentful, insecure. He also has a preference for being alone.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Due to his personality, and the fact that when hewas younger he was lost in a forest and stayed with a pack of wolves until someone found him.

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Name: Arthur Matlock

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Appearance: Very tall, standing somewhere just over 6' 5", and with a broad and muscular frame, he is physically rather intimidating. He has rather plain hair, that's best described as a dark blond, which he usually has fairly short, small grey eyes and a rather large nose.

Bio: [Will be added if I can come up with one]

Animal Shift: African Elephant

Personality: Surprisingly for someone so large, he is rather gental, and prefers not to fight. He's somewhat caring, although also somewhat detached, almost aloof at times, and contemplative and thoughtful. Doesn't speak a great deal, because he tends to think it out carefully, and get the most he can from what he does say.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Like him, Elephants are large, but peaceful creatures. They're also well known for their memory, another trait that Arthur has.

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Name: Shin Itō

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: [spoiler=Appereance]shoichianimeanimalguys3.jpg


Bio: When Shin was growng up he was normaly shy.He would always go to school and never talk to people.He was kicked out after showing his parents what he could do.Not long after his brother was kicked out for bring a shifter.They have been together a long time and they do not ever leave each other behind.They were founded by kids from the school and enroled in it.

Animal Shift: Cat

Personality: Shy,Loving,and cares about alot of people.

Animal Shift Reasoning: One day he had been in the forest when he saw a strange cat.It was staying close to him and he kept it.After this strange encounter he studied all cat related animal.Once he fod a cat the same as his and it bit him.He screamed in pain as he was there in the mddle of the forest shifting from human to cat.

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Name: Zach Reifel

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: Zach is an African-American boy who is six feet tall. He wears an open blue shirt, with a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers with black laces. He has black hair in a buzz-cut, along with black eyes. He is built like an athlete, in that he has muscles, but is also a little slim. Nick always wears a silver crucifix necklace around his neck and over his t-shirt.

Bio: N/A

Animal Shift: Kangaroo

Personality: Zach is a guy who is out-going to everyone. He tries to be nice to anyone he meets, and never insults people. Zach is also strong in his religion and will defend it if he has too. He is not afraid of violence, but only uses it when necessary. Zach is often nervous and/or clumsy around girls, and always has been. He will defend his friends if he notices they are being targeted for whatever reason.

Animal Shift Reasoning: Zach loved the way kangaroo's hopped everywhere without care. He wanted to be like them, able to go around without a care in the world. He also admired how they carried their young in pouches to defend them.

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Name: Grey Faltren

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: [spoiler=Grey]Random_Anime_Guy_by_animeAnimeANMIE.jpg

Bio: (Completely Optional)

Animal Shift: Water Monitor

Personality: Psychotic, sadistic, and perverse. However, he is also extremely intelligent and in fact a genius.

Animal Shift Reasoning: His personality could be seen as VENOMOUS, much like how a Komodo Dragon's saliva is full of pathogens (But I chose V. salvator because it looks cooler, and I figured he'd have that ability anyway.) The second reason is the fact members of the genus Varanus are generally very intelligent animals, as they are able to count, unlike most other animals.

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