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Treeborn @3 means D.3.S. now has 4000 ATK...which means nothing.


Cydra @3 means CyEnd...which means nothing.


MST @2 means more S/T destruction without fear of Starlight.


Konami not targeting Machina Gadgets means IT'S STILL AWESOME!



EDIT: Konami seems to be playing around with banning Bcon and limiting MR just to experiment.

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this format makes me wanna not duel for real. I mean whirlwind at 1 shut me down now am sad. plus now the only brain controls are uru and creature swap.we will see that alot. And man am i salty.


what are you going on about a brain control. Hello Goyo guardian and Tragoedia say hi <.< and they are still at 1


tragoedia who cares if i have to discard this lv 8 monster to take your stardust because i can just monster reborn and get it back....

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this format makes me wanna not duel for real. I mean whirlwind at 1 shut me down now am sad. plus now the only brain controls are uru and creature swap.


we will see that alot. And man am i salty.


Monster Reborn.


Your a fucktard.


Though I see myself inside of you.


You dare to run decks that even I hate.


You got guts.


But no skill sadly enough.

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worst format since there was a bann list i mean making this format makes me feel everything banned goes to 1 and anything else is unlimited s*** who cares. the game is messed up anyways.


ebi's didnt get revived so it sucks. monarchs have to many options and everyone is starlighting because of black rose.

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Rescue Cat (good)

Heavy Storm (not sure about this one but it might be because Konami's printing something nice)

Brain Control (FINALLY!!!)

Substitoad (Konami hit the right card for once.)




Black Whirlwind (should be @ 0 but 1 is easy to deal with)

Royal Oppression (should be banned but ok)

Infernity Launcher (good)

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (good)

Monster Reborn (most people think it's a bad move but I think this is ok @ 3 so I'm fine with it)

Dark Hole (umm... what? It punishes overextension but why this over another Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute? This is stupid.)



Mystical Space Typhoon (why not 3?)

Chaos Sorcerer (good, it's strong but not broke by today's standard)

Snipe Hunter (It's so bad this could be @ 3)

Ojama Trio (ok)

Magic Cylinder (ok)




Black Rose Dragon (help?)

Goblin Zombie (ok)

Cyber Dragon (ok, it's bad anyway)

Treeborn Frog (WTH!?)

Royal Decree (ok)

United We Stand (ok that's a bad card too)

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Black Whirlwind (should be @ 0 but 1 is easy to deal with)

Royal Oppression (should be banned but ok)

Infernity Launcher (good)

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (good)

Monster Reborn (most people think it's a bad move but I think this is ok @ 3 so I'm fine with it)

Dark Hole (umm... what? It punishes overextension but why this over another Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute? This is stupid.)

You MUST be kidding.

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