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Return of the Old Rare Layers on Card


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This is more of an appeal to the creators of Yugioh Card Maker.

I've been using the YCm for about 2 1/2 years now, and back then, you guys had a much more realistic rarity system. If I wanted "Ultimate Rare", it showed a different rarity than it does now.

Can you guys bring back the old rarity style? It would be much appreciated if you understand what i'm talking about (no offense meant)

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As little as it matters, I've noticed it too. Personally, I'd like to see an improvement.

However, I truly don't care if it doesn't happen.


Also, you've been here less than a year, so far...

How did you miss the forum and join feature for over a year?


As little as it matters, I've noticed it too. Personally, I'd like to see an improvement.

However, I truly don't care if it doesn't happen.


Also, you've been here less than a year, so far...

How did you miss the forum and join feature for over a year?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, I tend to print off my cards and use them for fun at school.
I wish they'd bring the rarity thing back. I use magic set editor as well, and they have every kind of rarity class except ghost rare.

Also, I see all the appeals to bring out Dark Synchro card templates. I am in full support of that, because I don't forsee Konami bringing them here in the future.

Darn Japanese...they get all the good stuff! And earlier, too!
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[quote name='lordmykel' timestamp='1283562419' post='4596991']
Well, I tend to print off my cards and use them for fun at school.
I wish they'd bring the rarity thing back. I use magic set editor as well, and they have every kind of rarity class except ghost rare.

[b]Also, I see all the appeals to bring out Dark Synchro card templates[/b]. I am in full support of that, because I don't forsee Konami bringing them here in the future.

Darn Japanese...they get all the good stuff! And earlier, too!
That suggestion fails since all DS get turned into regular syncs (1000 fail dragon)
Though I'd like to see this implemented, but then again its against the rules amiright? I think this could slid though since it was previously implemented and removed (fro some unknown reason). Support anyways
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YCMaker could easily implement different card art for the different rarities.
It's the same process as the one that loads the different Types of cards in the first place.

It can go from a simple gold sticker on a Rare card up to a gold border + gold stars on a Gold Rare card.

I do remember the old rare holo sheet they had, but it was essentially juse a little diagonal line on the the side.

I support various rarities added to cards, it can be done under an hour, just a case of
editing blank cards and pasting codes into the card maker. I assume it's as simple as that though.
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The reason i'm raising such a stink about this is because when they changed it, I thought it was just a temporary thing, but as time went by, I understood that it was permanent. For those that don't remember, if the creators of this site brought it back, then you'd enjoy this site a whole lot more.
The pic is a pic of Exodia that I'd like to see become a card.

The black marker is my own art. It's "Malefic Exodia, The Forbidden One", a card I made a short while back.
It was originally "Dark Exodiack", but I updated it when Malefic Blue-Eyes came out.
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