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Wero's Specific Card Contest.


2nd Week.


Welcome to the second "Wero's Specific Card Contest."

I just decided to host a contest each week, each contest with Specific requirements. So, without a fancy introduction let's start this one.



General Rules.

•All YCM Rules Apply.

•Repeaters will be reported.

•The contests will end after a week (so does the entries). Judging will be the same day and result will be posted the next day.

•OCG won't be count at all unless I say so.

•Image won't be count at all unless I say so.

•Written Cards would be acepted unless an Image is needed.

•I'll be the only judge. (No rating system so don't ask.)

•I have the last word.

•Editions won't increase your rates.

•Just 1 winner.



Requirements of this week.

•Make a card that supports "Earthbound Immortal" monsters.




•2 Reps



Dead Line.

•This contest will end on Monday 23rd at 6:00 am (my time), so today is Tuesday 17th 16:52. Judging will be the same Monday and result will be posted on Tuesday 24th.




• king of dyspraxia

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