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Soul Society National Contest!


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This contest is sponsored by the Soul Society



Welcome! This is a Bleach contest, making the best cards! Anyone can join! Even If they are not a member of the club! The task to to make a set of Bleach cards by my choice, and are judges by 2 judges, including me. the winner will win the jackpot, as with some bonuses. Come on!

To join, you must first donate at least 30 points to me in order to enter. If you are a member of Soul Society, you only need to donate 15 points!





If you have read the rules and understood everything, place this:MAIN_GAME_KON.gifin your post. If you do not, you are not accepted.

I will accumulate as many contestants until the end of the week at August 21rst, where all contests are taken and no more can enter.













To judge, you can ask. As long as you follow the expectations.



1.Byakuya Kuchiki

2. Ninjew

3. NeoDemonX



After all is decided, I will say what you will need to do and make. After the deadline is done, Judges can rate cards. You must have a 5 sentence description of the card, and give a basic rating 1-10.


After judging, the best move to the next round, and so on. the winner shall all the pot money. The runner-up shall receive a rep and a 10 point donation. Members of the Soul Society who win gets 10 levels, and having the chance to overthrow their higher-ups.

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