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*FAQ*>Questions about the UPDATE answered here!<



Since the Board was updated, Question and Answeres is being bombarded with the same Questions. I have produced this thread to stop this fourm becoming a Spam Hole.

Hope this Helps!


1)Why are there cards in my Account which I didn't Make?

When YCMaker was doing the Card Conversion Process, some cards were delivered to the wrong users. Just ignore them and wait for the problem to be fixed.


2) Why cant I change the Title of my thread?

All the threads made before the Update wont be able to change their thread titles. Threads made after the update are fine to change.


3) How do I view My reps?

Due to the update, you are unable to use the old reputaion system. Insead you rep people by their posts. In the bottom right corner of your/another users post is a box with a + and - . Click the box to see who reped you.

UPDATE: You can now view your reps via your profile. There is a Tap Next to 'Posts'


3) How do I change stuff in my profile?

At the top of the page follow this order.

Click 'Signed as.....' --> My Settings --> Click 'Profile' tab across the top.


4) How do yo send a Message to a user?

There are numerous way to do it.

You can click on the persons profile and look for the little Envolpe icon under the users Avatar.

Alternativly you could click 'Signed in as...' and then click 'Messneger.


5) How do I add Images to my posts?

You could upload the image to a Site like Tiny Pic or Photobucket but thats a longer way. You could just copy the url and and IMG codes:

[img=URL HERE]


6) Why has my friends account been Banned?

Most likly reson is Spam. But if his account was set up on the computer YOU use yours on, then it is considered as 'Double Accounting'. Simply tell a Moderater to unban him/her and you are happy. Goodgoodknockknock


7) Can you put Special Characters in your Username?

Although the system says you cant, you can. Simple as.


8) How do you make Boosters, Sigs, Tags, ECT?

Look in the 'Graphic Tutorial' Fourm. Everything is in there.


9)How do I give/earn Points?

You Earn Points by posting, Reciveing Reps and distrabuting reps. You can give points to players either by their profile or by a option at the bottom of the users post. The button says 'Points'. This will open a small window withing the screen and you enter the amount and reason for it.


10) How do you put Youtube Media into a post?

This is simple. Just copy the video URL and post it into your post. If you cannot view the video, then you may need to update your Java and Flash player.


If I have missed anything out then please say.

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