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The Video Game Card Tournament! *Lock please*


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Your Task for Round 2


After warming up and seperating the wheat from the chaff, we're now heading for round 2. The first task was easy and predictable, I can guarantee you, that this one is not. If the graphics of a game symbolize it's outer beauty, and if the gameplay symbolizes the physical strength of a game, the Soundtrack is its very soul. Your task is to create a Spell or Trap Card based of a track of a video game soundtrack. Some additional things for this task:


- Please provide me not only with the name of the track and the game, but also with a Youtube link (or any other source where I can listen to it) to said song. If possible, also tell me when this track is played in the game.

- The card can be any kind of Spell or Trap Cards except Ritual Spell Cards.

- The Song must be an original track for that video game (or that series). The song can be of any kind, with singing or without, a character theme, a battle theme, a stage theme or full fledged song written only for this game.

- Pay attention to the song itself. Because I will too. I'll rate how well the card fits not only the situation it is played in, but also if it fits the tune itself. I know that this is highly a matter of opinion, but when you signed up for this, you knew that. I'll, of course, also rate the creativity of the effect, but not as much as I did with the hero cards.

- Remember: You don't need to choose the same game you chose in round 1 for your protagonist. However, you can do so if you want to.

- And remember once more: You have 48 hours to turn the card in. It will get more difficult ;)


This will be hard to create and hard to judge. It's an experiment, to bring you something you may have never seen before. I hope it'll work out alright. And now: BRING IT! :lol:


So long,



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i dont know the name of the song, so can i just write (insert name here) theme?


The name of the card itself is up to you (can be counted towards creativity as well), just provide me with some kind of possibility to listen to the song ;)

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firstly good luck chedbonlahor ive got a lot of respect for you,


secondly i think ive done what you want.


[spoiler=my entry]

pokemon's red, blue and yellow trainer battle theme tune played when ever you start a battle with a trainer


[spoiler=trainers battle]



During Either players Battle Phase Pay 1000 life point to Select 1 Normal monster in your Hand, and Specail Summon it to Your side of the Feild. If a Face up Monster Specail Summoned by this effect Battle's a Opponents Monster, you can Return it to Your in order to specail summon a Different Normal Monster. During the end of the Battle Phase, Return any Monsters Specail Summoned by this effect to Your Hand.




[spoiler=the theme tune]




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The card I decided to make was inspired by "Oath To Order" from "The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask":


-Here is the actual song:

-Here is the cut-scene in the game where you use oath to order to its potential, you will have to watch it through:


In the context of the game you recieve oath to order in the embryonic stages, unaware as to its power and poingiancy. However as the game progresses and Termina begins to become swallowed in darkness you realise it's true innate potential and use it to summon the 4 giants at the climax of the game which ultimtely saves Termina from its dark fate, just as you begin to believe that all hope is lost. For me this song epitomises the depth and darkness that Majora's has to offer as the chilling nature of the song reminds us that every facet of life has a veritable element of depth and meaning.

In the context of the card itself, I wanted to a create an element of doom and loss however, I wanted the card to hold a sense of hope and salvation at its core which I believe is mirrored by the image of the card and indeed the song itself. I went for the same idea with the effect of the card too, mirroring the element of despair and the climactic element of triumph.


Win or lose this card is very important to me as this is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard. Here is my card:




You can only activate this card if your Life Points are 1000 or lower. Send 4 monsters from your hand or from your side of the field to the Graveyard in order to select and activate 1 of the following effects:

-Destroy all Spell, Trap and Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field.

-Send all cards in your opponent's hand to the Graveyard.

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Yep, you all got the idea right! Glad that that's out of the way :lol:


When I saw chedbonlahor's Post, I guess I want to add just one thing: You can, of course, provide additional info material with your cards and what you've thought of when you created them. It actually really helps me :) It's not necessary, and it doesn't need to be that long, but if you have the time and think your card is not self-explanatory (especially if you haven't played the game, like it's the case for me with Majora's Mask), it definitely wouldn't hurt :)


Will add that to the first post as well.


So long,



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Oh thank god no one took Sand Canyon, lol

Sand Canyon 1 (Kirby's Dreamland 3)


Link of when the song was used, lol Skip to 00:21

Well since its the first part of the Sand Canyon Level, you know that the enemies would be easy to defeat and kinda weak, so I set it so you can Summon Level 2 or lower monsters, lol. And also, since its Sand Canyon, EARTH monsters can attack twice just to annoy the opponent if they don't have any high ATK or DEF monsters, lol

Also, since in the Game, Kirby's given 5 Lives, so if a monster would be destroyed 5 times, its gone, lol

This round looked a little hard, I just wonder what the next round is, lol

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I picked the Portal credit theme "Still Alive", sung by Ellen McLain as GLaDOS when you beat the game.




[spoiler=the card]



Lore: Whenever a monster you control is sent to the graveyard, place 1 GLaDOS counter on this card (Max. 5). You can send this card with 5 counters on it to the graveyard to special summon as many Machine-type monsters in your graveyard as possible. During the end-phase of the turn this effect was activated, destroy all monsters you control.




I picked Portal (for the most part) because of the cake, that and the fact that still alive is probably the one game track I really remember. I initially wanted to use warriors for the OTK effect (God knows machine have enough OTK support) but I settled so it would be more cohesive with the facts that it's GLaDOS that's singing. (Boy am I tiered with all the capitalization.)

I hope it's okay if I reserve the right to find a better image 'cause i hate the one I'm using now.


I'm actually a bit surprised no one took on Portal till now with all the cake in the end (or is there???)

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