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The RDA Fan-Fic(New Writer needed! PM if intrested!)


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Preview of new episode


Episode 5: Sean. Friend or Foe? Part 1.


Zack woke up early that morning. He normaly gets up to go jogging but he just wanted to check out the campus. He got lost in the woods.


Zack: Oh come on! How did I get lost? I don't even remember going into the woods!


While Zack was yelling at no one Sean walked by.


Zack: Hey Sean! You know how to get out of the woods?


He just kept walking.


Zack: Whatever I'll just follow you.


Sean turned around so fast Zack didn't even see him move.


Sean: No! I don't want you following me!


Zack: Why?


Sean: Just shut up!


Sean just turned around and ran away But it seemed like he was going deeper into the woods.


Zack: Whatever.....freak.


That was just a small preview of the episode.

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Episode 5: Sean. Friend or Foe? Part 1.



Zack woke up early that morning. He normaly gets up to go jogging but he just wanted to check out the campus. He got lost in the woods.


Zack: Oh come on! How did I get lost? I don't even remember going into the woods!


While Zack was yelling at no one Sean walked by.


Zack: Hey Sean! You know how to get out of the woods?


He just kept walking.


Zack: Whatever I'll just follow you.


Sean turned around so fast Zack didn't even see him move.


Sean: No! I don't want you following me!


Zack: Why?


Sean: Just shut up!


Sean just turned around and ran away But it seemed like he was going deeper into the woods.


Zack: Whatever.....freak.


Zack returned to the Dorm an hour later to see Cy talking to some other kid.


Zack: Who's the new kid?


Cy: Oh yeah Zack meet Sojex.


Sojex: Nice to meet you.


The kid was huge!


Zack: Um how old are you?


Sojex: I'm 18.


Zack: No wonder your so big. Anyway Cy do you know anything about that Sean kid?


Cy thought for a seacond.


Cy: All I know is that he's the number 2 on the duelist list and he duels with a Zombie deck. Why?


Zack: Cause this mornig I saw him in the forest. I asked him if he knew the way out. He didn't answer me so I said I woud just follow him and he freaked out on me!


Sojex: He sounds farmilar. What does he look like?


Zack: Well he has blond hair, and really pale skin.


Sojex just stood there thinking


Sojex: I don't know why but that seems so familar.


Zack: Well I'll just find Alex and ask him. He seemed nice and I see him with Sean a lot.


About 2 hours later Zack spotted Alex on campus and ran over to him.


Zack: Hey Alex!


Alex: Oh hey Zack! Do you want something.


Zack: Yeah tell me all that you know about Sean.


Alex: Sean? Well ok. Sean came here the same year I did. We've always been good friends but ever since this year when we got back he's been acting weird.


Zack: Weird how?


Alex: Well he's been real quiet most of the time and every morning he gets up at like 5 A.M and goes into the woods.


Zack: Really? Well I'll just get him back to normal then.


Alex: How do you expect to do that?


Zack: I'll duel him. If I win he tells me what he's been up to.


Alex: Well if you want to but he is the seacond best duelist in the school.


Zack: I'll beat him no problem!


The next morning Zack woke up at 4 A.M and woke up everyone else too.


Sojex&Cy: Come on it's 4 A.M!


Zack: I know but just get changed we need to do something.


When they got to the forest they saw Sean walking in.


Zack: Wait! Sean!


Sean froze.


Zack: Alex told me you've been acting werid so how about this we duel and if I win you tell me what's wrong with you.


Sean smiled.


Sean: Fine but let's have a tag duel instead. He'll duel with you.


Sean pointed at Sojex.


Sojex: Fine but it'll be two aganist one.


Sean raised his hand and a figure rose above the ground. It was another Sean!


Sean 1: Now it's even.


Zack and Sojex were a bit freaked out.


Zack: F-fine then.


Sean 1: Shall we begin.


Sean 1&2&Sojex&Zack: DUEL!


Next Episode


Episode 6: Sean. Friend or Foe? Part 2.

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Episode 6: Sean. Friend or Foe? Part 2.


Sojex: I guess I'll go first. DRAW! I summon Soul Drainer Aniubs in attack mode!


Type of card: Effect monster

ATK: 1400

DEF: 1000

Desciption: When this card destroys your oppenent's monster as a result of battle, increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the destroyed monster's Level x100.


Sojex: I place one card face down and end my turn.


Sojex's side of the field

Monster: Soul Drainer Anubis

Spells/Traps: one face down.


Sean 1: Alright then DRAW! I summon Undead Knight in attack mode!


Undead Knight

Type of card: Effect Monster

ATK: 1500

DEF: 1600

Descirption: This card is uneffected by Trap cards. Once per turn you may discard one "Undead" monster from your hand to your Graveyard to increase this monster's ATK by 500 points for the Damage Step only.


Sean 1: Now I activate Undead Knight's effect!


Undead Knight

Type of card: Effect Monster

ATK: 2000

DEF: 1600

Descirption: This card is uneffected by Trap cards. Once per turn you may discard one "Undead" monster from your hand to your Graveyard to increase this monster's ATK by 500 points for the Damage Step only.


Sean 1: Now Undead Knight destroy his monster!


Sojex: Not so fast! I activate Draining Shield!


Sojex&Zack's LP: 10,000

Sean 1&Sean 2's LP: 8000


Sean: Grr! I end my turn!


Sean 1's Side of the Field

Monsters: Undead Knight

Spells/Traps: none


Zack: Alright then my turn. DRAW! Is summon Gladiator Warrior Bansla in attack mode!


Gladiator Warrior Bansla

Type of card: Effect monster

ATK: 1800

DEF: 1000

Description: Pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 monster on your oppenet's side of the field with less ATK points then this monster this effect can only be used once per turn.


Zack: Now I activate Bansla's effect!


Zack&Sojex's LP: 9,500

Sean 1&Sean 2's LP: 8,000


Zack: Now Bansla attack his Life Points directly!


Zack&Sojex's LP: 9,500

Sean 1&Sean 2's LP: 6,200


Zack: Now Soul Drainer Anubis attack his Life Points directly!


Zack&Sojex's LP: 9,500

Sean 1&Sean 2's LP: 4700


Zack: Now I end my turn.


Zack's Side of the Field

Monsters: Gladiator Warrior Bansla

Spells/Traps: none


Sean 2: Grr! My Turn! DRAW!


Suddenly Sean's eye got really wide.


Sean 2: Now I summon............


And then black out.


Next Episode

Episode 7: School. The hardest part of the year.


Kinda short I know.

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I was bored so I made the next episode.:D


Episode 7: School. The hardest part of the year.


Zack,Sojex, and Cy woke up in a daze. They were back at the dorm!


Zack: W-what the? Weren't we just dueling Sean and his zombie like twin.


Sojex: I think so but we couldn't have if we're back here. Maybe we dreamed it.


Cy: I doubt we all had the same dream.


Zack had to think about this one. Ok one minute they're dueling Sean the next they were back at the dorm?


Zack: Yo Cy.


Cy looks at Zack


Zack: You weren't dueling do you know what happened?


Cy: No all I remember is that Sean was about to summon some monster then I blacked out.


Zack: Well thanks anyway. Well I guess we should get changed into some clean clothes.


Cy: Yeah since today's the first day for classes.


Zack's face changed from balnk to worrired.


Cy: Wait a minute. You didn't know that today was the first day for classes?


Zack: No, not really.


Cy: Stupid!


Zack, Sojex, and Cy got ready for class. As they walked to the school Zack spotted Sean. He suddenedly felt a chill in the air. As they walked into class they saw an array of different colors from red to blue even the ocational green. They grabbed a seat and waited ofr the teacher. Zack was happy to notcie that Jason was the teacher of this class.


Jason: Alright everyone settle down, settle down. Since it's the first day I thought we would start of easy. Who wants to see a duel.


A huge roar erupted from the seats.


Jason: Ok so I guess that's a yes. Alex could you get me the names.


Alex: Sure Jason.


Alex left the room. A few minutes later he returned with a hat.


Jason: Thank you Alex. Now everyone's name is in this hat I will pick two people and they will duel. Alright then the first person is....


Jason pick a name out of the hat.


Jason: Willam!


Willam: Yes!


Willam ran down to the duel field in the front of the room.


Jason: The second person is.....


Jason picked a second name out of the hat.


Jason: Cy!


Cy: Yes! I think.


Zack: Why I think?


Cy: Cause that kid's in the Blue dorm.


Sojex: Come on Cy don't be a wuss.


Cy: Your right.


Cy ran down to the duel field to meet with Willam.


Jason: Alright ready, set......


Cy&Willam: DUEL!


Next Episode

Episode 8: Willam. The Lord of the Levia Dragons.

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