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New deck idea.

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The deck is going to be called quickgenex monarchs. It hasnt been built yet so much thanks to those who help improve the deck. Under $30 for most cards as i already have monarchs and the expensive genex cards. Ill test it out then post a playbook and complete deck list




Caius x3

Raiza x2

mobius x1

Dandylion x2

Ryko x2

Quickdraw synchron x3

Genex undine x2

Genex Controller x2

Treeborn x2


Spells: 12

P.O.A x2

Heavy x1

MST x1

Book x3

M-con x1

B-con x1

E-con x2

Giant trunade x1



Opression x1

Starlight x1

Solemn x1

T-roar x2

torrential x1

Mirror Force x1

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