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My Local Tournament this Weekend

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well, my local tournament restarted this saturday, and there was a huge turnout. its hosted at a local Books-a-Million bookstore. about 30 people were there. its a basic elimination tournament.


i was running my tomato Toolbox monarchs deck.


First Round: me vs. Gladiator Beasts


Duel 1: opponent draws crap, loses horribly

Duel 2: opponent puts up a fight, but loses due to the fact that bottomless trap hole rapes alexander

Winner: Me


Second Round: me vs. CB's (the guy who wins the tournament every time)


i was afraid going into this duel that i would be flattened, because my opponent is a really awesome good duelist.


Duel 1: beat him up a little, summoned raiza, it got dead, some other stuff happened. then i had 2 Zaloog and a Tomato on the field, he uses abundance, and i Dark Bribe him, game over.


Duel 2: same kinda thing happened, he activated abundance, i bribed, he drew another, activated it, summoned 3 Pegasus, 2 Tiger, killed my face. he won that one.


Duel 3: this was very anticlimactic. i won on my 3rd turn, 1st turn, attack with sangan, second turn, tribute for Thesty,kill a hand card (pegasus) so 3800 damage at this point, i negate some of his stuff, next turn i summon Zaloog, heavy, premature on sangan, pwned.


i win.


Third Round: me vs. my brother


i was surprised he got this far, but it turns out he played eheroes, then cloudians...


Duel 1: Pwned him.

Duel 2: Pwned him.


nuff said


Fourth Round: me vs. Jeff (zombies, this guy has never lost to me)


Duel 1: Ryu kokki was a funking jabroni and kept coming back somehow. but i eventually won by summoning raiza, returning the ryu kokki, heavy, game

Duel 2: i pretty much pwned him without losing any LP except to my own premature burial


so i won that round.


FINALS: ME VS FREDDY (a very very good Final Countdown Stall deck.)


we only got to play one round, because we were short on time, but it was rather fair nonetheless.


so it started off with me being completely hopeless because he got final countdown, gravity bind, and level limit area b.


did him some damage with sangan however, after he solemned MST, he had 1800 left.


4 turns left on final countdown (meaning his turn, my turn, then his, then mine and i lose) and its his turn. hes still got G Bind but not area B, he flips Magician of Faith, gets Swords of revealing light back, and plays it.


my turn. perfect draw. Mobius. tribute Sangan, kill Swords and G Bind, attack MoF, win.



So, for the second time, i won my local tournament.


and i got Stratos, 3 Secret rare wildheart, Deep Diver, 2 Super rare Nobleman of crossout, 2 Reinforcement of the Army, Cyber Jar... from trades. not bad :D

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thanks bro. it was tough.


lol at the end, the guy i beat in the second round, who wins the tournament every time except the times ive won, was like "See, i told you kramer was good!" and this other dude was like "yeah okay...i get it"


the other dude was the guy my brother played in the second round, witht the cloudians.

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