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The Duel Terminal (First 10 get to be in top 10)


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The Duel Terminal

This Club is for Dueling Obviously. We duel on YN. Basically you make you way past the ranks and all the way to number 1. But in order to do that you'll have to beat the players ahead you. YN: Yu-Gi-Oh! Network


[spoiler=Members] System Operator: Kuri






#1 (Deathghost101/Maiduelistfan#1)



#2 (MarsuveesBlack and Tainted Black)

[spoiler=Decks]Abigail's Deck or Inca Revival #2


#3 (ProtoMachineKing)

[spoiler=Decks]Moja, Moja, Moja


#4 (DeathSDelano/Shunkai(YN) )

[spoiler=Decks]Out of this World, Leftovers


#5(YN) Lance/(YCM) .Lance.

[spoiler=Decks]Dark World, Macro Monarch


#6 jango333/jango333

[spoiler=Decks]gigavice and macros


#7 Insert Name Here/Insert Name Here

[spoiler=Deck Names]Burning Sensation



































# 53







I will continue the list as the club grows




Warned x2



[spoiler=Ranks]Specific ranks have their own benefits.


Top 10 (upto 5 decks)

#1 (unlimited amount)

Top 50 (upto 3 decks)

Top 100(Upto 2 decks)

Other (upto 1 deck)

If you go down a rank you can still maintain your decks, but you can't add anymore decks. You can also remove decks, but if your rank goes down then you'll only get the decks you currently have. Going up a rank is easy, depending on what duelist your going against. If your at #5 and challenge #1 you switch places. Simple. If you and another player are tied for a rank such as having a draw in a duel then the rank is shared.[spoiler=Bots and S.O]

Bots will get 1 Deck maxed out to 60 and is based on a certain theme such as burn,stall,lightsworn..etc. Dueling against a bot is hard, but you are allowed to use a 60 card deck also. Dueling and beating a bot will allow you to keep your 60 card deck.


The S.O (System Operator) The S.O maintains the game and also can remove players and add players. If you go against an S.O and win you will get to become a bot, move up 1 rank, and also get an extra deck.



[spoiler=Join the Game] Player ID: (YN and YCM)

Deck Name: (only 40 card deck please)

All will begin at rank #0 (that's not the highest rank) firstly you will pick a challenger and try to get their rank. If you win you will be placed in the top 50 (50 up) if not you will be placed in the top 100 (51 down)



Anyways please enjoy your games.

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i want to join, but for some reason there is an ERROR.

Try again maybe they were going through maintenance


Same here. I create an account, try to log myself in, but it says the password is incorrect.

Too bad, I'd love to join :(

I think you have to verify your account either that or you had shift or caps lock. Create another account see if it happens again

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