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1. Render-[spoiler=Render]200pxsorin.jpg


2. Size-you choose

3. Text (optional)- I'm the bringer of darkness, I am Sorin Markov

4. Any Other Preferations


1. Text-I'm the bringer of darkness, I am Sorin Markov

2. Style Colors-Red

3. Render (optional)-[spoiler=Render]200pxsorin.jpg



Can i hav the letters like this for both of them but color red

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Shadow, here's your logo ^_^[spoiler=Logo]soaq.png


Gin, working on yours, Red, I can't see the first render, SWFan, on it, ash, these pictures are low quality and not renders, and I can't just get a picture of some text and use it, I would if you told me how the font is named...

Oh, and fire dud, Kai, is doing the card edits, I suppose he'll do them once he is online...

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Ok here we go.. Oh and can this be done in say 4 or 5 hours please? It's for a project and thus need's to be in tommorow so I can run my draft through my team. If not then it's ok but if so then more reps and more points :)


1. Render http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j389/blastertexasrender/renders/ElementalHeroPrisma.png

2. Size The example's size please

3. Text (optional) Jarou Prisma Tours: Rio de Janeiro

4. Any Other Preferations Can the background thingy be either Christ the Redeemer (Statue) or something to do with jewels?

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