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Web Of The Executioner[A Hogwarts RP/Started/Accepting/PG16/Co-hosted by DarkAngel787] IN Character


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Aiden paid little attention to Professor O'Keller as he handed out their Potion books and began the lecture. Aiden took thorough notes on the named antidotes to Common and Uncommon Poisons. In truth, Professor O'Keller had decided to begin a review for the first lesson and Aiden truly enjoyed the refresher since some of his knowledge was a little fuzzy. Potions had always been Aiden's favorite course, he excelled in it, as well as DADA, and Charms mostly. His grades varied sometimes though depending on how much Aiden was concentrating on them. DADA was useful seeing as how he would be able to predict how most wizards would respond to his favorite Dark curses that he'd read about from his DM Book.


After Potions, Aiden walked to the side of the corridor, keeping alert for Trey while heading to his next Class: Charms before his free period.


(Note: Sorry it took me awhile to post, I feel like I'm growing un-attached to this story since my character has little to do until what I have planned out.)

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((Sorry it was a typo, but I was sure that I had fixed it. But no , we are just at lunch, ignore the two week part of my post, and Skarelt dont forget to head over to out of character planing and 'offically' accept Saturnia))





'Its alright Hamish, your just curious.' Saturnia said giving Hamish a small smile, Saturnia looked over at the other girl who had just joined them, her name was Elena. 'Thanks Elena. This is Hamish by the way, hes in 4th year so Im not too sure if you would know him.' Saturnia smiled tilting her head towards Hamish in a friendly introduction. 'Are you going to stay with us, for the rest of lunch Hamish?' she asked hopefully, after having taken quite a shinem to the younger boy, after thinking about how much they had in common. She took a small mouthful of the cold food that was on her plate, left over from the little hut she had made before Hamish had came over to talk to her.

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"Sure, Gabe's not here, so I guess I kinda have no one in my own house to eat with." Hamish sighed. Atleast he had Gabe alive. Unlike Saturnia's situation, he would probably see Gabe again. Hamish started to help himself to a little more food. He was anything but a comfort eater though, his sadness had spoiled his appitite. He started to eat small bites and looked over at Saturnia smiling, they had a lot in common, and she was a really nice person. Hamish felt a friendship growing between them, but sympathy was paramount in his mind.

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'Great' Saturnia smiled at the thought of having maybe making a good friend in the boy. Finnishing playing with her food, Saturnia remembered that she had potions class next. 'Well excuse me, but I have to go to class, I want to get there a little early.' she said as she stood from her place at the table, smiling sweetly as she excused herself from the meal. Walking out of the great hall, Saturnia turned and started to walk towards the dungeons where her potions class was being held. She walked into the empy class room and took a seat neer the back of the room in a corner. She really couldnt be bothered with people today, but she knew she really had to go to class. she couldnt let herself fall behind, 'emmy wouldnt want me to' she whspered quitetly to no one at all.

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"Nice to meet you Hamish." Said Elena politely. Watching the other two, Elena thought for a while. Both of them seemed to have lost someone. Elena wasn't sure who Gabe was but because the fact that he wasn't here was making Hamish upset it made it quite clear that Gabe was dear to him. While she was thinking, Saturnia excused herself and left for her potions lesson. Reminding herself that she also had potions Elena quickly excused herself as well and hurried after Saturnia. As Elena caught up with her, she touched Saturnia's should to grab her attention. "I think I know what needs to be done." Elena said suddenly, forcing a hopefully infectious smile, and spread her arms wide and said, in as kind and caring a voice as possible, "Hug? They're the best ways to help build two things. Friendship and happiness."

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Tenacity leaned lazily against wall in the potions dungeon. He spotted a familiar face, but one belonging to a girl he'd not expected to see for quite some time. He excused himself, politely, from his girlfriend's side and walked toward her with a a concerned, and confused look on his face. "Saturnia... Are you doing okay?" He said, knowing full well the girl would be emotionally crippled at the moment. Her girlfriend had just died. She looked like she was doing better than Tenacity expected her to be, but still, that wasn't saying too much. He attempted to comfort his friend with a hug. Knowing Selene would understand.

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Charms...was not what Aiden was expecting. Halfway through the first lecture on the cheering charm, Aiden overheard the Slytherin next to him briefly chat with someone else next to him whom Aiden couldn't identify. He briefly heard them cuss at being assaulted by a strange looking "boy couple". When Professor Angelique's lesson was dismissed, Aiden carefully strided over to the Slytherin that he'd heard talking during class.


"Was one of the pair a boy with a strange hair color making out with another funny looking boy?" Aiden carefully whispered the question so as not to attract attention.

"Yes, one had orange hair at the time. We were having a little fun when the strange one turned his wand on us and the other made his hair change color. We messed with them a little and he suddenly grabbed me before attacking his friend, although I think it was by accident." Aiden listened before speaking, "They're part of a small group that have been giving me a little bit of trouble recently. I think it might be a good idea to have a little bit of fun with them, any ideas?" Aiden looked at the guy with a blank expression before he answered, "No, but I think I might be able to think of something." He paused for a moment, "By the way, I don't believe I caught your name." Aiden answered, "Aiden Celestine, and yours?"

"Evan Makyura" he answered. Aiden smiled, "If you can ever think of an appropriate punishment for those 2, let me know." Evan nodded and both split at the next fork, heading for their next classes.


Note: I hope you don't mind my name for the guy

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Saturnia smiled as she allowed Elena to hug her, smiling at the other girls attempts to try and make her feel better. 'Yeah, hugs are good for a few things' she joked, as she saw a boy she reconised walked over. 'Hi tenacity, yeah im alright, well im better than I was last night' Saturnia answered honestly as the boy also pulled her into a hug. 'Oh tenacity I heard you have a girl friend now, news travels fast around this school. ' Saturnia smiled, tring to put on her happy face, as she sat back down at the desk the three were standing in front of. 'Also Tendancy, did you hear what happened between Hamish and Gabe, in your house?' She asked sympathetic towards the younger boy.

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"Well yeah. Selene Hawthorne and I are dating...You know Selene. Remember, the one that you can never seem to hold onto a Quaffle around?" He asked, not stabbing at Saturnia's Quidditch ability, but complimenting Selene's. "Gabe and Hamish? What happened? They didn't break up did they? They seemed so close. I mean I ran into Hamish during the holidays and he couldn't stop talking about his 'dear Gabriel'..." Tenacity didn't need this, He was close to Gabe, they got on pretty well and well, both boys were talented Quidditch players. For thier sake, and Gryfindor's they needed to be together.

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Giggling at the boys joke about her quiddich skills compaired to that of his girlfriend Saturnia nodded 'shes nice, your very lucky.' she paused to listen to tenacity talk about Hamish and Gabe. 'Oh no no no no, they havent broken up. they got into a little tiff with some slytherins, which ended nasily. Gabe lost it and hit Hamish by accident thinking he was a slytherin, because he pulled on the back of his robes or something like that. Then Gabe ran off into the forest apperntly in the shape of a large dog.' Saturnia explained seeing the panic on the boys face at the thought of the two younger boys breaking up. 'but Gabe will come back when hes hungry.'

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"I suppose he will. God that boy can eat, I've seen him clean off whole serving plates at dinner before." Tenacity said reminisantly. "He must have an amazing metabolism to maintain the figure he has." Finally, the professor ushered them in. Tenacity drifted through the lesson, happily talking with Selene for the most part, but he occasionally turned to Saturnia. On the last of such occasions he asked her a question. "Was she really a sleep walker? That's what a first year told us, but I've never heard it before...Emmy I mean." Tenacity felt insensitive for asking but he couldn't really help it. The curiousity was burning inside him.

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Saturnia got through the lesson mainly day dreaming. About various things, mainly Emmy and the times they had shared. Hearing tenacity talk to her, she crashed back to earth and giggled slightly at the thought of the younger Gryffindor boy wolfing down a whole serving plate of chicken. 'Oh uhm Im not really sure to be honest, I normaly fell asleep before Emmy most nights, but sometimes I'd hear footsteeps, but she could have just been going to the restroom, or something like that.' Saturnia sad quietly the smile slowly fading from her face, as she cocked her head trying to remember.

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"Don't worry too much about it. I'm just curious, and I'd think myself insensitive to push the issue." Tenacity said, dropping a few too many lacewing flies into his. The potion turned a shade of purple as opposed to the desired blue, which was strange, as the smoke rising from it was bright orange. Tenacity stepped back with a "What the hell..." kind of look on his face, he wasn't sure what to do. The bubbles in the concoction started to float about the room, one burst squarely on the back of a hufflepuff boy, causing his earlobes to inflate in a balloon like fashion. Tenacity shot a look to the girls on either side of him. His "help me" face.

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"Oooh, that's bad." Elena said bluntly. "Gimme a sec and I'll grab some shrinking solution." She darted into the backroom where a multitude of spare ingredients and antidotes hay around for when they were necessary and, while making sure that Professor O'Keller wasn't looking, she hurried back and splashed a small amount on the Hufflepuff boys ears, causing them to deflate casually to there original size. "Sorry." she whispered to him as he ears returned to normal size. Turning to Tenacity she said quietly, still making sure that O'Keller wasn't looking, "Maybe we should atop for a while. I'd rather keep my ears norrmal size." She was only joking but she hoped he could tell as she may have came off a bit rude.

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Giggling at the boys potion and the reactions that the hufflepuff boys took to being splashed with it, Saturnia looked over and watched as their professor walked around helping the other students with their questions, and or reactions to their own mistaken potions. Sighing she looked down at her oen caludren bubbling away. It was the right shade of bllue. she had followed the intructions carefully, but she was feeling lonely now, as she saw the other students standing in their litle groups or pairs talking away to one another. She knew these sorts of moments would catch up to her evenually, and make her miss emmy even more.

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Tenacity, seeing Saturnia's changing expression, shook his head. He excused himself from his girlfriend's side and approached Professor O'Keller. "Sir. Saturnia's not doing too well. She's just lost her girlfriend and I think she needs a moment, can I please take her for a walk, just make sure she knows she's not alone and all." The professor nodded his head. "Fine, you and miss Breeze are welcome to take the rest of the period off if she's really struggling. There's no sense in keeping her here if hse's that upset, she won't get anything done, and the effects of tears in this potion could be interesting, but they'd probably result in a painful enlargment of internal organs." Tenacity nodded and walked toward Saturnia. "Come on, O'Keller said we could take a walk, you seem like you need it."

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Looking up as Tenacity approached her, Saturnia nodded trying to give the boy a small smile, but failing as tears welled up in her eyes instead. 'if your sure. you dont have to come, i dont want you to fall behind or miss something important' she said softly, just loud enough for Tenacity to hear. She felt relived that someone not only noticed that she wasnt holding up too well, but had also taken steps to try and help her. But that being said, she still didnt want him to miss out on his classes, to walk around with her , she felt selfish almost, allowing him to take her for a walk.

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"Don't worry about it, I'm sure Selene's got me covered. Let's go." Tenacity started to walk from the dank dungeon room, turning to beckon to Saturnia. He was sure that she'd follow but he wasn't going to leave without her. He wanted to help the girl so badly. They'd gotten to be good friends, albeit rivals on the quiditch pitch. The keeper had blocked many shots from Saturnia, but she'd scored more than her fair share against him as well. Tenacity wondered what the loss of Emaline would mean to the girl. Would she stop playing? would the good times they had be over?

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As soon as DADA let out for the day, Evan walked up to Aiden with a strange looking vial in his hands.

"I used some extra time in potion class to make this, what do you think?"

Aiden leaned close to the vial and sniffed it. His sense of smell was soon overloaded with the most vile assortment of unpleasentness you could ever dream of; imagine taking a glop of sewer sludge and wrapping it in napkins that had been soaked in a bucket of two-week dead fish and than dropping it in cow manure. The smell and scent would be beyond horrendous yet it still didn't compare to the smell that now invaded Aiden's nostrils.


Aiden fell away from the beaker, clutching his nose and holding his vomit in as best he could. As soon as Aiden had calmed himself and dispursed the concerned students around them that he was fine now, Aiden looked at Evan like he'd just commited murder. "Instant Vomiting Potion, guaranteed to cause explosive Diarea and uncontrollable vomiting for a period of 3 monthes. It took me awhile but I think I got it right." Aiden looked at Evan and carefully thought out his next words, "Good, Now how are we going to sneak this vile potion into one of "their" drinks? With the stench of it, they'll see it coming a mile away?" Aiden looked at Evan awaiting his answer, "Don't worry, I have a friend who will sneak it into the orange-haired boy's lunch tommorrow. I think we can trust him to get it done."

Aiden sighed, "Fine then." Aiden walked away.

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