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Web Of The Executioner[A Hogwarts RP/Started/Accepting/PG16/Co-hosted by DarkAngel787] IN Character


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"Yea, I am." Lex noticed that Rachael was thinking about something, but he didn't think much about it. "And I understand if you haven't seen me a lot, I usually hang out by the lake and is only in the castle during lessons and nights." He thought about the time he spent in the lake as his animal form, and why he was usually there. (Because he rarely could answer the question that was requiered to get into the Ravenclaw Common Room) "And during winter. The water's too cold during winter!" Lex suddenly realized what he had said and added: "For my feet!" He must've sounded like a looney, but even though he was a registered animagus he didn't want too many people knowing about it, but he did like to swim around with the diverse creatures in the lake as a platypus.

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"The lake water is a bit cold during the water, I guess, though I wouldn't really know, I don't go down there very much," said Rachael, trying to hold back giving Lex a weird look. Something isn't right about this guy, she thought. He has a secret or something. Still, since I'm probably going to be on a train with him for the next few hours, I might as well socialize a little. Perhaps I could even discover what his secret is.


She continued, "Why do you spend a lot of your time there? I mean, unless you go deep, you only find small fish. And there isn't much too do down there either," she paused for a moment, coming to the realization that might have been a pushy question, "I'm just wondering because it can be fun hanging with friends in the castle," she then added, trying to change the subject slightly, "do you go down there alone?"

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Aiden had just gotten onto the train and placed his bags in the luggage zone, when he spotted a crowd of Slytherins amassed by a door. He stood carefully behind them and watched as the one in front harassed 2 strange-looking boys. As he found it odd that 2 boys would be sitting that close to each other, he heard the Slytherin in front call them "boyfriends".


When Aiden saw one of the 2 strange people transform into a shaggy beast, he situated himself in a the carriage in back of them and subtly watched while the bunch of Slytherins that had been at the door to their carriage ran off. "I wonder who those 2 people were? The one that could transform seems odd. Maybe I can find out more when the train stops." As the time wore on, and one of the two fell asleep, Aiden slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

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"I've been studying underwater life, and I've even heard rumors about Godric Gryffindor in fact being the giant squid in the lake!" Lex knew that this was most likely untrue, but he had to tell Rachael a reason to go there. It was half-true, however, as he found both the mermen and the giant squid interesting creatures, and as a platypus they didn't attack him (altough they used to give him strange looks, as platypuses are not native to the lochs of Scotland)


"And I once went down there with my friend Rupert Gilligan, but he thought the water was too cold so I have gone there alone since then." He thought about his friend from Hufflepuff, who were along the friends that went through the Animagus transformation, getting turned into a frog. "And you, what do you usually do when not on lessons?"


((J.K Rowling once joked about Godric Gryffindor being an animagus who turned into the giant squid, which is what Lex is reffering to. This is not true, though.))

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"Hey, Tenacity." Selene said a little late as she sat down with him, Hammish,and Gabe.

She grinned as she transformed her eyes from their signature green to greyish, reflecting the turmoiling mood she was in. "The Slytherins in the other compartments were under the impression that I couldn't recognize Canary Creams from regular toffee." she elaborated.

She watched Hammish fall asleep and shrugged.

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"I just hang with friends in the commons after classes. I don't usually go outside a lot except when we go to Hogsmeade, but I go there every chance we get. Other than that, I'm not an outdoors type of girl," said Rachael somewhat bluntly.


"But anyways, do you really think Godric Gryffindor is the giant squid? It would be amazing if you could find that out." Rachael's comment sounded completely genuine, mostly because it was. Despite making it into Ravenclaw, she wasn't very bright. "I heard the rumors too, but I really didn't think much of them until now."

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"I don't know, I've only met the squid twice." Lex remembered how the squid scared the crap out of him during his boat ride to the school during his first year at Hogwarts, and the other time when he had briefly seen it during one of his bathes. Even though the squid was big, it was small in comparision with the lake itself and was thus hard to find.


"But I don't know what to think. It's also said that Godric would return to his human form and wander the schoolyard each night at 11 o'clock, but if he truly was an animagus I think it would be more likely of him to be a lion." Lex thought about the emblem of Gryffindor. "But maybe it's possible that he could transform into two different animals, I wish I could." Lex then went silent, realizing his mistake. He sat silent and hoped that Rachael wuld think that he meant that he hoped he could turn into two different animals, instead of hoping that he could transform into an additional animal.

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Aiden began to awaken drousily. When he realized he'd fallen asleep, his eyes bulged wide open. In a panic, he looked around the outside of the train and luckily still saw others outside. Aiden wasn't sure how long he was out, but he decided it was time to change into his robes. Aiden went to the luggage zone, grabbed the robes from the small cardboard box that he'd conveniently left on top of his luggage since he didn't feel like changing before .


After changing, Aiden walked back to his booth and began studying the 2 boys and a strange new girl who seemed to have entered while he was napping. He studied their faces and features silently by letting his eyes wander across from time to time while keeping DM in front of his face so as not to arouse suspicion that he was spying.


(Note: I will call "Dark Magic: Secrets of the Wickedest art" DM from now on since its a pain to type that again and again.)

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After hearing what Lex just said, and then seeing him become quite suddenly, a thousand thoughts went into Rachael's head, making it almost impossible to think clearly or reply right away. She just sat there, silent, her face unchanged, not showing the shock she was in deep inside. She never met someone who could transform like that before, but once everything caught up to her, she felt that she was jumping to conclusions. She better ask first, and see how he reacts. If he can really transform, and he doesn't want anyone to know, then he should have a hard time trying to explain himself. After a few moments, which seemed like hours to Rachael, she finally said, with a confused look, "Wait, you can transform?"

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"No!" Lex quickly answered, but he understood that he had been too hasty and that Rachael probably already had figured it out. "I mean, yes." He said, trying to remain calm. "But I try to keep it a secret. It's not like my animal form is something to be proud of, and it's rather unusual." He understood that Rachael would likely want to see it, but he really thought that his platypus form was rather embarassing, especially as it had a very light, brown fur (like his hair) as opposed to usual platypuses, who have a dark fur. Surely this was nothing to be embarassed about, but Lex still felt very unusual when he saw pictures of normal platypuses.


"Anyway, I wonder when we're going to arrive at Hogwarts." Lex tried to change the subject and looked outside.


((Has the train departed from London yet?))

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(((I don't even know if the train left hogwarts. ^^")))


Rachael's expression brightened. "That's so cool! I've never met someone who could do that before," she said, completely ignoring Lex's question of when the train would arrive at Hogwarts. "What can you transform into? Can you transform here, or is the thing you transform into like a fish or something? Is that why you go down to the lake?" Rachael caught herself, finally stopping the bombardment of questions, realizing who much of a spaz she sounded.


"Sorry," she said, embarrassed. "Got a little too excited there. It's just you being able to do what you do was just a big surprise."

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Selene stood up. "I think I'm going to go...change into my robes." she informed Tenacity, and she walked out of the compartment, holding her robes.

Her cat, Ginger, immediately leaped up to follow. She smiled as Ginger rubbed her legs agianst her pelt, and she led Ginger into the changing rooms.

She quickly pulled on her robes, then stepped back out, swinging her hawthorn wand so that it trailed sparks.

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"Well." Lex sounded a little shy. "It's a..." He was silent and his ears turned red. "A platypus." He turned his face to the window, failing to hide that he was embarassed. "That's why I go down to the lake, as people would start to wonder where the platypus would've come from if I transformed anywhere I couldn't hide, especially as platypuses aren't native to Europe." After his face had toned down a bit he turned to face Rachael again. "If you hadn't already figured out by my accent I'm originally from Australia. I think that's why my animagus form is so non-British." He smiled half-heartly.


((He speaks in a weird cross between British and Australian accent. Altough most would recognize it as a British accent, Lex thinks that his accent is very Australian and is surprised that people understand him so well.))

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Man, am I invisible or something? Noctis thought standing up and laughing, before saying, "I guess I'll see ya later." He walked off and sat in Darren's compartment and before he could do anything other than sit, Darren said, "please go away," to which Nate responded, "but-," "go away please." So Nate walked off and sat back in the same compartment as last time and said to the new arrivals before sitting down, "Hey I'm Nate, and this snake is Liliia who are all ya?"

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Selene heard what Nate had said and brightened, at the chance of socialization. "Hey, Nate, I'm Selene." she said, sitting down next to him. "Nice Snake...this is Ginger."

She showed him her own furry ginger colored cat.

"I do like snakes, even if I'm not a Slytherin." she said admiringly as the snake moved smoothly through its enclosure.

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A platypus is cool, I guess," said Rachael, in an awkward tone, not knowing what to say. "I mean, I was expecting something different, but," she paused trying to figure out something to say," um, it's still cool to meet someone like you. Sometime this year you'll have to show me your platypus form down by the lake." A few more seconds of awkward silence followed. "Uh, I'm going to go look around and talk with some of my friends. I'll be back, because my luggage is here and everything, but if I don't see you before the train stops, or you happen to leave this carriage before I get back, hope you have a pleasant ride." Rachael gave a half hearted smile and left the carriage.

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Darren looked around his compartment and sighed, before putting on his robes, and ranting to himself, "why I became a Gryffindor is the strangest occurence in my life, I'm as smart as a Ravenclaw, maybe cunning as a Slytherin, not really as brave as a Gryffindor." He sat back down and looked at the surrounding compartments of people talking and having fun, "I'm not sure I should even be in this group of compartments."


Nate replied to Selene, "well I'm not a Slytherin, atleast not that I know of, I'm just a first year, ready for the sortings or something."

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Lex waved awkwardly when Rachael left the carriage and then returned to looking out the window at the landscape that was stretching across fields, and he could see some mountains in the distance (I asume that we've left the station by now) He thought back at his previous years at Hogwarts, who hadn't been very special in comparision to some school years several years ago. He didn't think a lot about it as he saw an owl flying outside his window, but to his slight disappointment it wasn't Silverwing. He then decided to read in one of his books, but quickly grew bored and fell asleep.


((And will probably remain so untill Rachael comes back or if someone else disturbs him.))

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OoC: Hammish isn't in the same carriage as Tenacity.


IC: When Selene got up to change, so did Tenacity, it took him a little longer as he'd totally forgotten to prepare for it, but eventually he re-emerged and walked back into the carriage, just as Selene had started to compliment Nate on his snake. "Did y'miss me?" He asked with a touch of sarcasm in his voice as he walked into the room and sat back down in his robes, he'd walked through the corridors of the train and found the two gay boys slumped against one-another, he smiled, thinking they were a cute couple, and they were. Very close, it was admirable. Unaware of the viciousness they'd been shown he continued to where he was now. He smiled to Selene and spoke to both her and Nate in a friendly tone. "We've covered a fair distance, we should be there soon." He said with a look out the window.

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"Yeah," Selene agreed, glancing out the window.

"Wait, you're a first year?" she asked, confused on what Nate had said. "Then how'd you know you're...Gryffindor?" she wondered.

In her confusion her hair turned a bright shade of orange.

"Oops..." she said, coloring slightly as she changed it back to its normal black.

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"Wait, but I never said I'm in Gryffindor, maybe someoe else said it, or I sounded like I said it," Nate said ripping his snake off of his chest, "sometimes I hae constrictor snakes, it gave me a fright last week, and I won't tell you what happened becuase, well, its really embarassing." He looked at the boy who was alone in the compartment across the hall, "so, what houses are you all in?"

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"I'm in Gryffindor," she saidm not without a touch of pride.

"Tenacity...what house are you in? Gryffindor, right? Sorry for forgetting..." she blushed slightly, and looked away, and began to pet her cat again as a distraction.


Ginger sniffed at the snake and unsheathed his claws, but Selene had already gathered him onto her lap.

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"I forgot you could do that..." Said Tenacity with a little surprise in his voice. "I thought that hammish' boyfriend was the only one who could do it." He said referencing his friend's 'lover' not that you could really call them that, considering they'd only just had thier first kiss and said thier first "I love you"s. "I'll be honest, I think it's really kinda cute." This might have been taken flirtaciously, and while he did mean it to be a compliment of that nature he wasn't trying to flirt as such, more simply state that he liked it. He'd always thought it was a quality that he'd like in a partner, and Selene did it well, and knew how to make herself look lovely in the process.

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Selene grinned a little at Tenacity. "Thanks. yeah, I'm a Metamorphmagus. Gabe's one too?' she asked, curious. "i didn't know that."

Selene glanced out the window again. IT was almost dusk, and the scenery of sheep, farm life, and green fields were rolling by. She sighed. She always liked a quaint setting. She lived at the outskirts of London with her mum and dad, and lived in a perfectly nice country home even if it wasn't a farmhouse or anything.


Ginger left the compartment. Selene didn't mind; her cat was used to wandering around.

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Darren looked out the window, bored as ever, "when will something interesting happen?" He looked at the cat whom had just walked in and just stard at it, unnerving the cat, "I don't care, just ignore it Darren and give it back to the owner," he picked up the cat and walked to the compartment with the Gryffindor girl, the one called Tenacity, and the first year, and said to the girl, "this cat is your's I presume." and put it on the ground and walked back to his compartment.

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