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Buying Game - What should I get?

Kagamine Len

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Okay, so I have some money, and I want to get a game. I'm totally unsure what to get. There aren't any recent games that interest me, so anything well known in the past year or so is a no-no. It does have to be fairly recent, regarding consoles, so pretty much anything since the release of the Xbox 360. Platform can be PC or Xbox 360, although I wanna 360 game mostly. Fan of RPGs, so thats what I want, but feel free o put other genres in there. Thanks in advance.


PS, been lurking around the site as a registered member for a few years, so I recognise some of ya'll, though you won't know me well.

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I have a thread simialr to this. That is not an ad. Just something if you want to check out but don't post.



Anyways, I suggest any Final Fantasy games. They're awesome.

Or Assassin's Creed. They're pretty good.

I don't know what type of game you are interested in so it's kinda hard.

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Well, Final Fantasy 13 is a great game. I recently borrowed it from afriend after he 100%'d the game, and i love it.

As athena said Assassins Creed 1&2 are good games, but have been out for a while.

I Recommend "Lost Odysee" (Spelling?) my friend buys alot of RPG games and tells me which ones to get when i have money. And he said that game is Great it has an extensive storyline, and he said it made him cry it was so good. Lol,

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