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A draw engine if fighting LIGHT monsters(Ally of Justice Omni-Weapon)

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When this card destroys an opponent's LIGHT monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, draw 1 card. If that card is a Level 4 or below DARK monster, you can reveal it and Special Summon it.


Any ways it also gives more Offensive if you a get Level 4 or lower DARK if you draw it with his effect if playing against LIGHT decks(which are not common in todays meta).


if this comes to TCG would this be used/sided at all(though most likely not in this Meta has LIGHT decks are not seen much anymore)


though this may see some use in a fun deck maybe what does YCM think of this card

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yea and he is a walking draw engine with it and also with AOJs being Machines your can probably mix them with machinas or something

though he would probably shine better in DARK decks so you can use his SS ability and also being a lv5 all you need is a lv3 tuner such as Dark resonator(who can be SS'd with this guys effect if you draw him with this card's effect) to synchro into stardust


though the extra deck power is pretty useful overall

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Yea wait i think there is a genex that can change attributes of monsters let me go check though its only one face up target


here it is


Genex Ally Changer


lore:Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on the field and declare 1 Attribute. That monster's Attribute is treated as the declared Attribute, until the End Phase



So can probably make some Genex AOJ deck or something?


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