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Machinas be actin' all ignant!

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The best thing to ever happen to the Machine deck, Machinas had humble beginnings as slaves of the Machine King. They were called "Machiners" to enforce the idea that they were inferior. However, one day, Machinas realized that compared to Machine King, they were playable and just left. They call each other "Machinas" as they're word to use amongst themselves. Political correctness dictates that we call them Mechanized-Americans.



Machina Soldier

I like this card, in concept. It's like a Marauding Captain that can summon ANY Machina monster that can be Special Summoned by it's effect. I really only see it useful on the first turn to SS Machina Fortress easier. Other than that, useless.


Machina Sniper

Protecting your Machinas sounds like a great idea, right? Not when you're a MIRROR MATCH! Sniper protects EVERY Machina in play. So, if you have this and Fortress, and your opponent only controls Machinas in their monster zones, YOU CAN'T ATTACK!


Machina Defender

He grabs Commander Covington...next...


Commander Covington

I like his name...but he's the worst card in this Archetype. First, he's not a Machina in name. Second, you need Soldier, Sniper, and Defender ALL ON THE FIELD to use his effect, which Special Summons...


Machina Force

...this prick. Don't let the 4600 ATK fool you. He's not worth the drama to summon. Think about it. You need to summon 4 specific monsters, Machina Soldier, Sniper, Defender, and Covington, keep them alive until you get the 4th monster out, then sack the 3 Machinas for this. Then, to attack with Force, you have to pay 1000 LP each time. Keep in mind that Covington stays, and has 1000 ATK. So, you lose 1000 LP. Then next turn, your opponent brings out a big monster and runs over Covington for game. He is useful however, as a Monster Reborn for Machina Fortress...and a beer coaster.


Machina Peacekeeper

His only real use is for searching Gearframe. What's great is that his effect activates EVEN if he's equipped to a monster. So when he's destroyed while equipped, he protects your monster, and you search for another.


Machina Gearframe

Basically, he's the Stratos of Machinas. He can search out any Machina, and is a Union so you can SS Fortress, and equip this to it. Other than that, 1800 ATK is nice.


Machina Fortress

LOOK OUT! IT'S THE SHAGOHOD! Probably the best card ever printed, Machina Fortress unseated Force as the boss monster of the Archetype. You can SS him from the hand or Graveyard by dumping a couple Machines. You can also dump Force for instant Fortress. Also, when SSing Fortress from the hand with it's effect, it can discard itself as a cost to SS it. So, you can dump Fortress and another Machine to SS that Fortress. 2500 ATK lets it kill Monarchs with ease.


Machina Armored Unit

This works great in Machina Gadgets to get more Gadgets out and load up the hand to fuel Fortress.

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