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Web Of The Executioner [A Hogwarts RP/Not Started/Accepting/PG16/Co-hosted by DarkAngel787]


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Well, to my knowledge there's only one relationship as such, and that's Hammish and Gabe, who a friend and I created with intent for them to be a gay couple. Also, There's atleast a one-way romatic interest between Tenacity and Selene, but there's been no indication that Selene's interested in him too.

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Executionist is a person who makes difficult things a reality, though I believe it to be slang since its in the urban dictionary and Great Priest is right about the other stuff



Thats my google on the subject.


And so far it looks as if I'm going to be the only evil one. Hooray!

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It's not accurate if it isn't a word. Search for the word on Google and on there is literally no mention of the word apart from the urbandictionry "definition" and a polish political movement in the 16th century.


Though there is the IC thread for this RP on the 2nd page, interestingly enough.


And the usage of the suffix "-ist"is for the following things, quoted from the oxforddictionaries.com:



forming personal nouns and some related adjectives:


2 denoting an adherent of a system of beliefs, principles, etc. expressed by nouns ending in-ism:.



See -ism (sense 2)


denoting a person who subscribes to a prejudice or practises discrimination:



3 denoting a member of a profession or business activity:





denoting a person who uses a thing:




denoting a person who does something expressed by a verb ending in -ize:



And as the word "execution" cannot fit within these criteria, the word "executionist" cannot be used.


Fear the Oxford Dictionary.

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Disclaimer: Don't try to open the closet. There is actually a boggart in it, but Lex couldn't see it because what he fear the most is nothingness, but Lex doesn't know this. This confused the boggart and made it appear as just that, nothing. Lex could still feel it's presence, however, but he didn't know what it was.

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