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Well theme/ideas aren't my thing with splicing. Generally I get a ton of requests or I just blindly pick Pokemon. Too many themes are overdone, so I'd feel weird for suggesting them. You could try combining something like your top 3 favorite Pokemon, or even splice your main 6 Pokemon team.


Oh also Promotheus. I know you wanted me to critique that one Heracross evo, but since its been awhile I was wondering if there is any newer scratches that might better match your skill. I can't recall you posting too many new things, but I just wanted to check. I may "FINALLY" get to doing the video =P

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I just look around my sprite sheet until I see something that would work well in a splice and work off of that. Like in my most recent splice:


Reafyle, the Golden Fish pokemon.


Well, actually, I just thought that the peanut shape of Remoraid looks cute in that sprite. I had little idea of what to do with ot for a while.

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That is a very cool splice Rampage, I love the combination of purple and black. But something just doesn't seem right to me about the ears. I think my brain just doesn't like Nidoran's large ears on Mightyena. Anyway, great job.


Where do you get the stuff for making a battle scene. I really want to try one. Is it just Spriter's Resource?

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herez ma newest splice




and heres another:




Jappio, your super poke world thing is awesome. I've always wanted to do that. I just dont know haow


uh, double post


The top one is a pretty interesting idea. Although the white things from the Drapeon (I think that's what it is called, it has been a while) seem out of place and the crest from Entei blends in too much.


The Voltorb/Ghastly/Haunter splice is just a glorified recolor. Plus I'm assuming you just copy pasted it directly into paint from the web due to the random black pixels, which you should really save it to your hard drive first as Paint does not know how to process transparent pixels when copied directly.


Overall I think you should try to change different parts together or not use such massive parts to make a splice we have trouble figuring out what went into it.

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Sorry I've taken so long to do this guys. I'll try to be more timely with my critiques.



I really wouldn't call it a golden fish, too much blue on it. It's a bit that on the left side that there are only two 'leaves' and yet there are three on the right. The tail could use a better flowing borders.


If the splice's name is meant to be based on Cerberus, I'd recommend having more heads on it =P. On the tail you have some purple borders on the black parts. The color on the tip of the tail I think should be turned to black. The ears a bit too big and I feel that the greenish color is out of place also.



The white horn on the first one looks very odd, special since it has no black borders and the gray ones The texture don't match up either, the arms are don't quite have the stone look, so they don't fit with the body the best. Purple in general is a weird rock color.


The second one obviously has that probable with the lack bits. Voltorb also having nothing but a black border isn't a good thing either. Oh and in general I can't say I like the total generic feel to him. Putting on floating Haunter hands, adding Ghastly background smoke both are things I feel happen a little too often.

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herez ma newest splice




and heres another:






As Jappio said, the arms on the first one don't match with the body. I say you could maybe change the texture of the arms to look like rocks. I personally suck at it, (look at one of Jappio's vid. critiques) but I'm sure he can help you out. The second splice is certainly overdone and gets old. I even made one at one point. Besides that, all I can say is to keep trying new combinations. Don't be afraid to try to be perfect, because it's not shoot or miss. It's shoot and keep trying until you hit the target.


Here is my new splice:


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As Jappio said, the arms on the first one don't match with the body. I say you could maybe change the texture of the arms to look like rocks. I personally suck at it, (look at one of Jappio's vid. critiques) but I'm sure he can help you out. The second splice is certainly overdone and gets old. I even made one at one point. Besides that, all I can say is to keep trying new combinations. Don't be afraid to try to be perfect, because it's not shoot or miss. It's shoot and keep trying until you hit the target.


Here is my new splice:



Ah, thats quite nice. Nice colour scheme, and the parts fit very nicely. I can't see anyway to make it better but erm... How would it look without the Spike thingy on it's head?


My newest Splice:



I tried mixing Arcanine with Raichu, as an evolved form as my previous splice mixing Pikachu with Growlithe.

Some parts look really dodgy I know, and it has no 4th leg. I can't really scratch good xD

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Ah, thats quite nice. Nice colour scheme, and the parts fit very nicely. I can't see anyway to make it better but erm... How would it look without the Spike thingy on it's head?


My newest Splice:



I tried mixing Arcanine with Raichu, as an evolved form as my previous splice mixing Pikachu with Growlithe.

Some parts look really dodgy I know, and it has no 4th leg. I can't really scratch good xD

Looks like its put together well, but the shading just seems off. Like the perspective just doesn't seem right to me. Not sure what it is, or where exactly the shading needs work, but it just seems kidna off. Like flat almost.


Anyways, haven't been able to sprite in a while. Actually this started from a digital painting I was doing in photoshop, but then a crap-ton of useless background programs started running, boosting my cpu usage to 100% >.> so photoshop was being wiked laggy, so I figured I'd sprite it in Paint. It was suposed to be some sort of bird/pheonix/eagle thingythingy. So I got the beak down, but I decided I didn't want to do all the shading for the wings, which I failed pretty bad at scratching anyways, so I just gave it a seal-ish body. I guess.......anyways, I think the shading is really off, but I dunno why. stared at it for a while. Not sure how to fix it. Anyways, yeh, scratched entirely. Didn't use a pokemon as a color pallete, jut used paint default colors with some light/dark editing.




Not my best work. In fact its really quite terrible as far as I'm concerned. Liked my elemental doggy things from a few weeks ago much better ^.^


Also, still wondering which of these three pallettes is best


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Anyways, haven't been able to sprite in a while. Actually this started from a digital painting I was doing in photoshop, but then a crap-ton of useless background programs started running, boosting my cpu usage to 100% >.> so photoshop was being wiked laggy, so I figured I'd sprite it in Paint. It was suposed to be some sort of bird/pheonix/eagle thingythingy. So I got the beak down, but I decided I didn't want to do all the shading for the wings, which I failed pretty bad at scratching anyways, so I just gave it a seal-ish body. I guess.......anyways, I think the shading is really off, but I dunno why. stared at it for a while. Not sure how to fix it. Anyways, yeh, scratched entirely. Didn't use a pokemon as a color pallete, jut used paint default colors with some light/dark editing.




Not my best work. In fact its really quite terrible as far as I'm concerned. Liked my elemental doggy things from a few weeks ago much better ^.^


Also, still wondering which of these three pallettes is best



Nice work, as you said the lighting looks abit weird... However, it still looks good, the eye looks slightly weird too :/ I couldn't really tell there was an eye there till after I looked closer.

The Elemental Doggy things are AWESOME, I personally like the 3rd Palette, the first one looks like a Ice Age Mammal kind of thing... xD


Heres my latest work, combing Electabuzz with Charmeleon!



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Nice work, as you said the lighting looks abit weird... However, it still looks good, the eye looks slightly weird too :/ I couldn't really tell there was an eye there till after I looked closer.

The Elemental Doggy things are AWESOME, I personally like the 3rd Palette, the first one looks like a Ice Age Mammal kind of thing... xD


Heres my latest work, combing Electabuzz with Charmeleon!




Yhe one foot looks bad

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Nice work, as you said the lighting looks abit weird... However, it still looks good, the eye looks slightly weird too :/ I couldn't really tell there was an eye there till after I looked closer.

The Elemental Doggy things are AWESOME, I personally like the 3rd Palette, the first one looks like a Ice Age Mammal kind of thing... xD


Heres my latest work, combing Electabuzz with Charmeleon!



Well, the splice is pretty good, but as said before one of the legs seems off. I personally think that the splice looks a little plain. Maybe if you had kept the electric marks on electabuzz...

Anyway, here is my new splice.


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