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A pretty balanced 1st card.


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I really thought to myself "Let's make an Exodia support card". There has probably been many more before that newbs like myself have made, but I think mine is balanced other than some of them that just win duels instantly. Enjoy and I need some comments ;)






This card can only be activated if you have 2 or more cards in your Graveyard with "Forbidden One" in it's card name. Those cards cannot be targeted by a card effect and cannot be added to your opponent's hand or field. 3 turns after this card's activation, you can add those cards to your hand. If you pay 1000 Life Points this card is treated as a monster card(DARK/Rock/Level 8/ATK 0/ DEF 3500) and cannot change Battle Positions.



May not be the best card you've ever seen, but I tried on the OCG and image for it. :blink:



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