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Anarchy805 Development (CLUB)


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Welcome to the Anarchy 805 Development (CLUB)

Here we shall try to promote a friendly approach to software (games / application / code and development).

Some users might have the wrong idea about game development and structural programming techniques or

maybe just need to brush up on some syntax standards. The aim here is to pool our resource's and join

our efforts to help new users find a path to their development hobby and to let some of the more

experienced developers / designers impart some knowledge upon the one with maybe a little less experience.


there are a few prerequisits for joining one is that you have an interest in creating a project or an end goal

this is more of a preference than an absolute requirement as this creates an atmosphere where people are

more likely to help a person when they have a goal in mind, but general learning of the tools used in any of

the designs or productions is something that we are trying to promote.


With all the larger companies producing RAD applications they seem to lose sight of the early common goals

that developers have lived by and still do. there is a trade off with RAD to control and it has its place in such

things as Fame Development frameworks and is useful at times for prototyping ready to create a finnished

work or product. I think that is enough for the preliminary introduction on with the entry procedure and rules.



Read all rules before you enter as you agree to adhere to them all if you join.


1. In joining you must agree to the rules as they are laid out.

2. Do not go against any of the rules or TOS set by the yugiohcardmaker.net site.

3. No warez or copyrighted materials are to be posted in this topic.

4. remember to make a copyright notice on any code that you have ownership of/

5. If you use anyone elses work as part of your source remember to make sure:

i) That you have permission from the original owner

ii) That you have legal right to reproduce or change said code / work.

6. CC is allowed but please try to keep it to a minimum and try not to flame.

7. If you see a problem with someone's work that can be fixed help them.

8. All arbitrary disputes are to be moderated by a MOD. So no mini-moding please

9. the owner and appointed users in the club commitee list:

i) reserve the right to exclude users from this club

ii) shall give out 2 warnings to the user before exclusion.

10. Try to have fun and share knowledge with each other politely.

11. Please try to put any code submitted in code tags.




[spoiler=Entrance Procedure:]


Application should be in the form of a post in this format:















EXAMPLES OF WORK: (in a spoiler called examples of work)






Also here is one of the general development best practices that Anarchy 805 Development normally tries to follow.

[spoiler=Development Practice Guidelines]


1) Requirements Analysis ("Have a Plan")


Extracting the requirements of a software product is the first task in creating it. While the customer (which could be your boss, in some cases) probably believes they know what the software is supposed to do, it may require skill and experience in software engineering to recognize incomplete, ambiguous or contradictory requirements. Your first job is to reduce to writing what the software is supposed to do, and put it in detail, and then get "buy off" from the manager(s) and / or customer. This allows you to prevent "Feature creep" -- that nasty bug which prevents much software from ever getting put into production because it's always being "enhanced". Personally, I do not believe in all this XP "Smell the code" and "writing stuff on index cards as you go along". If you have a project that is estimated to take 500 man-hours to complete, then spending 20 to 30 hours of that in the very beginning detailing the requirements and a workable plan is not "too much" time. Unfortunately, many development outfits don't do this, and that's one of the biggest reasons why a lot of software projects fail.



2) Specifications


Specification is the task of precisely describing the software to be written, in a rigorous way. There are Fundamental and Technical specifications. This is where you ask the magic question "What are the objects?". Identifying objects is the first step toward a robust, object-oriented product. If you are developing a retail e-commerce web site for example, you would certainly have a "Customer" object, and an "Order" object. But, you would also have other intermediate objects that serve as the "glue" - for example, you might have a CustomerManager object whose task is to enable working with and manipulating Customer objects. It doesn't matter whether it's a diagram on a whiteboard (you can take a picture of it and print it out), or a full-fledged UML Diagram. What's important is that you spell out what the entities are and how they will work together. If you are going to build a building, you need a set of plans. You need plans for building software, too.



3) Software architecture


The architecture of a software system refers to an abstract representation of that system. Architecture is concerned with making sure the software system will meet the requirements of the product, as well as ensuring that future requirements can be addressed. The architecture step also addresses interfaces between the software system and other software products, as well as the underlying hardware or the host operating system. This works with the specification, but fleshes out the OS and platform level details of how the software will be built. Once you have decent specifications, you can begin to design interfaces and classes (objects) and describe what they will do.


4) Implementation and Testing


Reducing a design to code may be the most obvious part of the software engineering job, but it is not necessarily the largest portion. Testing is critical to software development success. You should have unit tests as well as more comprehensive "smoke tests", and you should test frequently during the development process. I've seen too much software that gets its only real testing after it's been deployed, usually by the end user. That's NOT the way to develop software.


5) Deliver early and frequently, and put it into production!


Early and frequest delivery of builds allows the developer team to test, as well as the end - user, and can shorten the development process. If you wait a long time between releases to get usable feedback, even if they are alpha or Beta, it can cost a lot more time in having to go back and change things. Depending on the type of project, a two - week release cycle seems to work best, although this can differ depending on the complexity and nature of the project.


6) Documentation


An important (and often overlooked) task is documenting the internal design of software for the purpose of future maintenance and enhancement. Documentation is most important for external interfaces. But documentation, especially for reusable object-oriented components, is mostly for the benefit of developers.


7) Maintenance


Maintaining and enhancing software to cope with newly discovered problems or new requirements can take far more time than the initial development of the software. Not only may it be necessary to add code that does not fit the original design but just determining how software works at some point after it is completed may require significant effort by a software engineer. A large percentage of all software engineering work is maintenance, but statistics can be misleading. A small part of that is fixing bugs. Most maintenance is extending systems to do new things, which in many ways can be considered new work.


8) Resource Allocation


The most expensive part of software development is programmers. I have seen projects where individual devs are literally "sitting around" with nothing to do because there wasn't a well-thought-out resource allocation plan about who would be working on what, and when, and whether they were expected to be available or not. By identifying who will be working on what part of the project, how long it is expected to take them, and when in the timeline they will be expected to be working on it, you can streamline the development process and make it much more productive. That means you'll be able to deliver more, in less time, and at a lower cost.


9) Avoid Redundancy with good Communication and Planning


Use good object-oriented design. If you are going to have a Data Acess layer, have ONE Data Acess layer - one that works for everyone on the team. The worst thing you can find on a software development project is 5 different "data access" layers, each having been written independently of group input by another developer, and each with different ideas and implementation. A good subtitle for this section might be "develop components with reusability in mind". Communication in the group is important for other reasons too. A 15 minute developer team meeting twice a week to go over issues and "what I am working on now" can go a long way toward improving productivity.


10) Guidelines Only


These Practices are only set as a guideline but can be applied to any project weather it be a development project or an engineering project so please remember to use your own

initiative when creating a design or layout of any sort as all the guidelines in the world can not make up for lack of common sense. Be creative and try to think outside the box

but try not to lose sight of the box entirely as it can be the down fall of any project.






[spoiler=CLUB OFFICERS]Anarchy805 (Development Director)

NeriesUmbra (Production Director)



[spoiler=MEMBERS]fighteronspeed (14/Aug/2010)

dhultzer (14/Aug/2010)





[spoiler=VIP MEMBERS].Jingles (15/Aug/2010)





none yet hopefully keep it that way




[spoiler=Links to Open Source & free-ware,shareware Development tools]

Programming Languages


Python Download Page

Ruby Download Page

Perl Download

Microsoft VS2008 Express Edition

Java Downloads

pyGame Download


RAD Tools


Game Maker Download

RPG Maker VX (Trial) Download

Dataweb Java RAD Download


Graphics Applications


Gimp Download

Paint.NET Download

Blender3D Download



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Hi can i join?


Here's my entry info....


I have kinda just started codes in python so my knowledge is not too amazing but I have made a few codes.



USER-NAME: fighteronspeed




Python (Newbie)

Ruby (Newbie)

VB.NET (Starter)



Gimp (Average User)

Photoshop CS5 (Beginner)

MSPaint(Absolutely Crap)




[spoiler=examples of work]



From my College work in python: i skipped to my Temperature converter this was written for an exercise as homework.

a = raw_input("Insert a temperature to convert.\n")
a_int = int(a)

type = raw_input("Now choose a convertion: Celcius(1) or Farenheit(2)")

if type == "1":
      c = (5/9)*(a_int-32)
      print "Farhrenheit %d is equal to %d celcius.\n" % (a_int, c)
elif type == "2":
      f = (9/5)*(a+32)
      print "Farhrenheit %d is equal to %d celcius.\n" % (a_int, f)
      print "Incorrect Syntax!\n";

raw_input("\nPress Return to close the program")


it is about my extent of literals and int types at the moment I hope that it is ok.



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Looks like your in then fighteronspeed.

I will add you to the user list.


not a bad F to C converter a little in-descriptive in the variables and no commenting but it is OK.

I think a nice feature might be to use wxPython to add a GUI to it, that might be a good one to get you started on GUI in LINUX.


Welcome To the Development Club Fighteronspeed.

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Yes java is an ok ground for games there are a few good games out there written in java and it is very portable. it is also an ok language to do applications. but it has a little bit of a bulky footprint for my liking. i think there have been a few rpg and action remakes in java. hope to see an application from you in the near future.

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here's the revised F to S script


#/usr/bin/env python

# Homework Assignment by fighteronspeed
# updated to be more readable using comments

#start of variables

temprature = raw_input("Insert a temperature to convert.\n") # take in temprature from the user 
temprature_int = int(temprature) # convert it to an int

type = raw_input("Now choose a convertion: Celcius(1) or Farenheit(2)") # ask the user what to convert

if type == "1":
      c = (5/9)*(temprature_int-32) # equasion for C to F
      print "Farhrenheit %d is equal to %d celcius.\n" % (temprature_int, c)
elif type == "2":
      f = (9/5)*(temprature_int+32) # equasion for F to C
      print "Farhrenheit %d is equal to %d celcius.\n" % (temprature_int, f)
      print "Incorrect Syntax!\n"; # in case of wrong input flag an error

raw_input("\nPress Return to close the program") # wait for a keypress from the user to exit




P.S. Anarchy 805 Can I copy some of your Signature?

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OK I am guessing you are after a simple construct to make a GUI. well you can make games and stuff in wxPython but it is more of a general GUI environment and set of libraries.


I think the thing that you are after is probably going to be something more along the lines of pyGame or a similar framework.

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Well I have put a link to pyGame in the downloads area at the top of the Club in a Spoiler and as for an example i will post an Edit to this with an Example in a sec ok just let me go to my other laptop with my development tools on.....





[spoiler=Here's an example for you to play with]


# sample showing how to create a window in pyGame
# is this the type of thing you were after fighter on speed?
# you need to import the pygame library after installing pyGame
# if you are using LINUX it will depend on the distribution that you are using
# for in windows I have put a link for download of pyGame

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

def main():
# Initialise the screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 100))
pygame.display.set_caption('Anarchy 805 Development Example')

# Now fill background with a cyan colour
# You can change it to whatever colour you want
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
background = background.convert()
background.fill((100, 250, 200))

# Here we will display some text
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
text = font.render("Anarchy 805 Development\n Sample Text\n", 1, (10, 10, 10))
textpos = text.get_rect()
textpos.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx
background.blit(text, textpos)

# Now you need to blit everything to the screen
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))

# Here's the event loop
while 1:
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type == QUIT:

	screen.blit(background, (0, 0))

if __name__ == '__main__': main()



feel free to use this and mod it for your own purposes it is prety generic and i tried to keep it simple with plenty of comments, if you have any questions just ask and we will see what we can do to help.

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OK just downloaded and installed pyGame, going to try your example and have a play with it to try to get to grips with it. but one other thing I don't want to seem like a pain but what is the best tool to use for me to make in game images for my game. I have gimp photoshop and mspaint at the moment also Draw from OpenOffice.

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First question I gota ask what kind of graphics you going for. Are they going to be in the style of pokemon or do you want it in the style of adventure quest, aka smegin cheap, or maybe you are trying to make a 3d game you know what I will help with the graphical side just I need you to come up with some Ideas for one what type of game are you trying to make eg RPG, shoot hell out of everything or maybe a farming game (answer the third I will kick crap out of you.)

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I would love to do a 3d game but i think that is probably a little out of my league at the moment Pokemon will probably need way too much AI programming for my skill level so i am thinking a small puzzle game to start with I have started on a small text adventure for some coursework in the past and never finished it but i was hoping to write something with some graphics this time round even if it is a graphic text adventure or even a small platform or puzzle game with tile based sprites. what program would be the best to use for game graphics such as tiles and backdrops. like for game backgrounds and also some tile-sets or game objects.

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Okay for text adventure back drops depends on how well an artist you are so anything goes really I mean you could just simply use the clouds render on photoshop if you where that lazy but for the backdrops I really do suggest drawing with a pencil by hand then editing in a vector-graphic program.


For puzzle games like move a smegin rock in the right way and crap you want to use paint you should get the pest effect with that.


For side scrolers again it's a question of vector or pixel now I prefer pixles my self like megaman and mario but that is just personal taste. But for vector I suggest flash for pixel I suggest paint.

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Hallo my english not so good, I wold like to join this club please.

mein username ist shultz

USER-NAME: shultz




a little perl not alot

halo world in python



mspaint starten




sory no work to post as example yet. want to learn programming and graphic.

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