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2 Ramdom Monster Cards


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Well here i am back with a couple of new cards, take a look and rate, any suggestion or OCG correction will be accepted.


[spoiler=Shining Fox Lady]77742f.jpg

This card can attack directly to your opponent's life ponts. If this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a LIGHT Synchro Monster, when that monster inflicts battle damage to your opponent's life points, increase it's ATK by 300.



[spoiler=Nero, The Blue Moogle Mage]77742o.jpg

Once per turn, this card is not affected by the effect of a face-up monster your opponent controls. If your opponent activated the effect of a monster card while this card was face-up on your side of the field, you can treat this card's effect as the effect of that monster, until the End Phase.




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Like he said the first one is kinda op


the second one is hard to understand.




The second one isn't affected by monsters effect once per turn, AND once you can use his effect to "clone" the effect the opponent's monster used until the End Phase.


And like i said b4... if any1 got a suggestion to balance them, i'm openwide to any ideas.

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