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The Most Beautiful Game You Have Ever Played?


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Like the title say, the most beautiful game in term of Graphic, Sound/Music, Gameplay, and Storyline.

You can provided us with the game info link(s) to make us understand why do you pick that game as the most beautiful game you've ever.


The most beautiful game i have ever played is Legend of Mana.


Graphic: [10/10]

Almost all the visual of the game is hand-drawn. You can see the beautiful painting at everything in this game. It is almost like you played it as a beautiful painting masterpiece, not as a game. It absorb you right in the eyes.


Sound/Music: [10/10]

Simply outstanding. Each city or dungeon have different theme song. And there are lots of city and dungeon in LoM. Imagine, that our ears will receive a perfectly instrumented theme song while we played this game. And LoM is the only games i've ever played that have the opening and ending song using a Swedish language (Swedish people, be proud. Because of this song, i tried to learn your language :) ).

Song of Mana


[spoiler='[b]Song of Mana lyrics[/b]']



Note: This song is in Swedish


Jag hörde • I heard

En nostalgisk sång • A nostalgic song

någonstans långt bort • somewhere far away


Den rörde djupt I mitt hjärta • It stirred deep within my heart,

En ung styrka • A young strength

Talade om livets sång • Spoke of the song of life


Jag är född av dig • I am born from you,

Och jag kom tillbaks • And I returned

Sluten I en sång, både vänlig och grym • Embedded in a song, both kind and cruel

Mitt liv tog en vändning • My life took a turn

Jag är född på nytt • I am born anew


Skyndar mig för att få vara dig nära • Hurrying, to be close to you

Om och om igen, längtar jag efter dig • Again and again, I long for you

Jag skyndar mig för att få vara dig nära • I am hurrying to be with you

Om och om igen, längtar jag efter dig • Again and again, I long for you


Min längtan ej nån diamant • My longing is no diamond

(Bara en liten kristall) • (Just a small crystal)

Ett sandkorn i öknen, • A grain of sand in the desert,

En droppe i havet • One drop in the ocean

Men med högmod, kommer jag • But with pride, I come


Årstider kommer och går • Seasons come and go

Och jag följer i samma spår • And I follow the same tracks

Allt jag vill är att sova, • All I want is to sleep,

Omfamnad i din sång • Embraced in your song

Allt jag vill är att vänta, • All I want is to wait,

Kura ihop i en dröm • Curl up in a dream

Jag följer min längtan till dig • I am following my longing for you


Satt ridande på en vind • I was riding on a wind,

Ekar långt din sång • Your song ecchoing far

Kastad av vågor, svallar jag mot dig • Thrown by waves, I am surging torwards you


Ung energi (En nostalgisk sång) • Young energy (A nostalgic song)

Ditt leende jag håller så nära mitt hjärta • I'm keeping your smile so close to my heart

Och jag fortsätter min färd • And I continue my journey


Det är ont om tid, och jag måste skynda mig • The time is short, and I must hurry

Trodde att jag var fri, • Thought that I was free,

Fri från det förflutna • Free from the past

Men mångfärgade minnen • But many-colored memories

Blommar djupt i mig • Blooming deep inside of me

Äntligen, äntligen når jag dig • Finally, finally I reach you

Hör min sanning och se min dröm • Hear my truth and behold my dream

Min vackra dröm • My beautiful dream


Årstider kommer och går • Seasons come and go

Och jag följer i samma spår • And I follow the same tracks

Trodde att jag var fri, • Thought that I was free,

Fri från det förflutna • Free from the past

Men mångfärgade minnen • But many-colored memories

Blommar djupt i mig • Blooming deep inside of me

Äntligen, äntligen • Finally, finally

Når jag • I reach




My favourite line in this song is:

Min längtan ej nån diamant • My longing is no diamond

(Bara en liten kristall) • (Just a small crystal)

Ett sandkorn i öknen, • A grain of sand in the desert,

En droppe i havet • One drop in the ocean

Men med högmod, kommer jag • But with pride, I come

I cried every time i heard it. *sob*


Gameplay: [10/10]

First, let me tell you the Artifact system. Sometime after you finished a quest, you'll receive Artifact(s). Artifact is used in a world map. When you place the Artifact, it will turns into a city or dungeon. When an Artifact is placed far away from your hometown, it will gain some bonuses. For example: if you put your hometown at the lower left corner of the world map and put city or dungeon Artifact at the upper right corner of the world map, a city Artifact will sell you a stronger equipment or a dungeon Artifact will provided you a stronger monsters. The placement of Artifact in the world map also affect or triggered a certain quest. So this game reply value is very high.


You can also have pet like Pokemon games. You can capture it in dungeon, obtain it from a quest or from the save file of other Squaresoft games. You also can create your own weapon and armor and create your uber equipments.


You may have seen some of the battle footage in the song. Amazing i know. The battle system is like Tales series battle system. This game also have a beautiful Skill system. For example: if you use Jump command multiple times during battles, you will obtain a new Skill like Double Jump. If you use Double Jump command multiple times during battles, you'll get Triple Jump. If you often use Jump command AND attacking using a sword when in mid air, you'll obtain Spinning Slash. If you a fans of WWE, this game also have some wrestling moves like Suplex, Backdrop or Atomic Drop like Zangief. In short: the more you use a Skill, the more you'll get the chance to obtain the stronger version of that Skill. Absolutely brilliant and genius.


Storyline: [10/10]

Do i even have to tell you how epic the story is? This game have tons of quests that related to each other. It is like the most epic fantasy fairytale story ever. I don't want to spoil this great story, you just have to played it yourself (buy it, emu it, etc). ;)


Now, discuss!

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Okami is the most beautiful game I have ever played, though.


Graphics [10/10]


Okami's graphics are otherworldly. They are infused with old Japanese paintings and ooze Oriental tradition and bright colors. The whole landscape is vibrant, and this game is all the better for it. <3


Music [10/10]


This is all you need to hear.


Sachimaru's Theme


Gameplay [9/10]


Admittedly, Okami's gameplay is not it's best feature, but who cares when you are slaying demons with a magical paintbrush with awesome music thumping in your ear? Not me. <3


Storyline [10/10]


Rooted in ancient Japanese mythology, this game has you take control of the legendary sun god Amaterasu, as she fights to keep the sun shining acrposs the land. It's something you really need to play, or else you won't get the storyline. Along the way, you meet many characters with a plethora of different personalities.



Sorry for kind of hijacking your thread, but I had to post this. <3


Legend of Mana is an awesome game, if I didn't say that enough.


Super Mario Galaxy 2 also comes to mind.

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For me, it would have to be Valkyrie Profile.


Graphics: For their time, the graphics are damn good. The sprite animation is smooth and the backgrounds are nothing short of gorgeous.


Music: I swear, Motoi Sakuraba is a god of music. The musics just grab you and draw you in. The voice acting is also GREAT. Some of the voice actors have done the voices for Pokemon and other animes.


Story: You're a Valkyrie whose role is to gather the souls of fallen warriors and have them fight at your side against the forces of darkness before finally engaging in the final battle at Ragnarok. The MAIN plot is pretty straightforward, but what REALLY makes the story so good is the story behind all the Einharjar (the fallen warriors you have join). You get to see their last moments before their deaths - and some of them are just so sad (Seriously, a few of them almost got me to cry).


Gameplay: Damn good. You fly around the Overworld and land at the location you come across. The dungeons are 2D platformer - and you can see the enemies and choose whether you wanna fight or just jump over them. The puzzles aren't too hard - unless you get into Hard move (and some dungeons are Hard-exclusive). What makes the gameplay shine is the battle system. You can have 4 members of your party (and you cannot remove Valkyrie from it). Each party member is assigned a button, When you press the corresponding button, that character attacks. If you time the attacks together properly and fill the special gauge at the bottom left, then you can use a character's Super Attack - and you can keep doing them as long as you keep the bar full (but each character can only do 1 Super per round).


Replay Value: With 3 different endings, endless cominations of party members (There are quite a few characters), a bonus dungeon, and a HUGE voice collection gallery, you won't wanna put this game down. (I've beaten the game over 50 times already!)


Seriously, PLAY THIS GAME!

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Sorry for kind of hijacking your thread, but I had to post this. <3


There's no need to apologize. You've done nothing wrong. :)


I've seen the Okami trailer and it was truly beautiful. The graphic is like a water painting. Smooth and calm to the eyes and soul.

But i never played it because i don't own PS2. :(


For me, it would have to be Valkyrie Profile.


I personally falling in love with its Combo System. Because it need a perfect timing and perfect characters attack and skill animations to get the highest Combo. It is like playing Street Fighter or KoF! And i love a fighting game!


But my VP Disc 2 is damage and never had a chance to finished it. But it was beautiful indeed.

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For the time i played it, FF10 had some awesome graphics and i still think that FF10 is the most beautiful game ever!


Wonderfull graphics, wonderful storyline and it has IMO the best gameplay of a FF game, i just hate the FF13's one.


I've never played FFX before but I have to say the FF is awesome.

However, I disagree with you on FF13.

That's my fav. game so far.....

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I totally came when I heard the Swedish lyrics, just because I'm Swedish. Was that the song used in the Japanese version?


As for me, I don't know. I've not played a lot of these Japanese roleplays that are easily the most beautiful games ever) but I did play Tree of Mana or whatever. Sadly, I didn't complete it and it is now lost somewhere in my house.

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I've never heard of that game but it sounds cool ^_^


My favorite game that I've played is...well, I've never played it but I've seen people play it and I know the whole plot.

It's Final Fantasy XIII

The graphic and sound is epic! (so is Lighting)


XIII sucks balls. IT's as disappointing as VIII was..if not more so. Square always seems to fail when they deviate from what made them famous.


For me? Well.....I don't give a s*** about GFX so every game i've played is "beautiful".

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I totally came when I heard the Swedish lyrics, just because I'm Swedish. Was that the song used in the Japanese version?


The song is used in both Japan and North America version (i own both). I don't know about the Europe ver. but i think they use it.

I read in wiki that Squaresoft doesn't release Legend of Mana in Swedish. Stupid financial decision imo; they SHOULD release it in the home country of Annika.

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I have to pick the elder scrolls 4: oblivion. The graphics are beautiful and immersive, and the overworld music is epic.

I was going to say Oblivion, then I remembered all the times that I s*** my pants sitting in a dark room at night when a f*cking wolf/boar/minotaur comes out of f*cking nowhere.
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For me,


Zone of the Enders 2.




It pushed the graphic abilities of the PS2 and made it near the level of a crappy PS3 game.


Graphics: 10/10


It pushed the limits of PS2 tech and made it beautiful. Hell, this still looks good compared to today and look godly during it's time.


Music: 10/10


Epic music is epic. The songs in the game always pumped you up.


Gameplay: 9/10


Combat is easy and swift, letting you kill up to 1000 enemies in a huge chain combo. Moving is easy, but the rings that shows where the enemy is can ether give you a lot of info, or none at all.


Story: 10/10


Kojima is master of story telling. He made a plot that was interesting and heart wrenching.





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Oh... this is hard... I mean, it's easy to talk about the best game I've ever played, but the most beatiful?


I guess 2 RPGs have to battle it out. Final Fantasy IX and Eternal Sonata. Both games were outstanding in terms of soundtrack, artstyle, characters and storytelling, and both had their flaws in the gameplay sections, which I didn't care for because they're both beautiful crafted pieces of art.


But in the end, I guess I have to go with Final Fantasy IX.


Graphics: 10/10


It was the last Final Fantasy for the old Playstation and showcased it's capabilities better than any game on the market at the time. Squaresoft was always proud of their rendered cutscenes, and this game is no exception. But what made this game really astonishing was the artstyle. They've gone back to the old SNES days to get inspirations, Yoshitake Amano was back for the character designs and the handdrawn backgrounds in the cities and dungeons were as beatiful and detailed as it can get on this console. I love every single location, with their distinct natures, some were bizarre, some were lonely, some were dark and some were so full of light and hope you had to shut your eyes.


Sound: 10/10


Nobue Uematsu. I don't have to say any more words to express the awesomeness of this soundtrack. "Rose of May", "You're Not Alone", "Protecting my Devotion", "Hunter's Chance", "The Wavering Blade", "Darkness of Eternity" and, of course, "Melodies of Life". Just listen to them. That's all I have to say for this matter.


Gameplay: 9/10


Stealing from the enemies was tedious. The combat didn't evolve much either. Except that you had 4 members in your party now, it was pretty much your basic ATB-system (Active Time Battle). Also this game was, to be honest, one of the easiest Final Fantasys, especially in the late game when you had access to "Auto-Haste" and "Auto-Regen". It was pretty much a cake walk from there on. But other than that, you had a ton to do: The Chocobo Side Quest, the best Mini Game in existance (beeing Tetra Master), and the 3 optional bosses were a force to be reckoned as well. It was never boring to travel this world, and I guess it never will be.


Story and Characters: 10/10


The overall story was okay, it had it's twists and turns, but it was kinda hard to get the pieces together at some points. Not as hard as it was in VIII that is... however, what made this game's story progression so interesting were the characters. From major to minor, they were all loveable or hateable (except Quina... he/she/it was just a waste of time) and this game wouldn't be so great if it wasn't for them. Yeah, Eiko was annoying sometimes, and Zidane seemed to be a little to cocky at some points, but who cares?! Those were the characters like they were made, they were believable, funny, charming and carried the story to a whole new level it would've never reached without them.



Overall, Final Fantasy IX is not only the best game I've ever played, it's also the most beatiful... but maybe it's the best because it is the most beatiful, I can't really tell.


So long,




PS: I'm now playing Okami... which could easily take this place if it weren't for my love for RPGs... but we'll see...

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Oh... this is hard... I mean, it's easy to talk about the best game I've ever played, but the most beatiful?


Yup. It's very hard. Good, Great and Best game is plenty in the market. But Beautiful game? Rare.


I remember when i played FF9, my jaw's dropping when i see Prima Vista airship flying. Or when Odin pwn'd the big tree town with his Gungnir lance. EPIC... :)

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Majora's Mask. I don't feel like delving into why, but that game is deep.


Yes one of the greatest games that I have ever played, sooo deep. However the best has to be LOZ OCARINA OF TIME!!!! Incredible, but what made the games beautiful and epic for me was the music. Oath to order, song of healing and most of the songs on oot will stay with me forever they are simply magnificent.

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