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+dReam Affiliation & Member's Lounge.


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+dReam Affiliation


The newest affiliation group on YCM.


Hello, and welcome to +dReam Affiliation. We are the cheap and effective alternative to Pikagroup!

Below is everything you need to know about this group, and remember that it is of great help if you join!


NOTE: Credit goes to Pikadude for the original idea.



"I...have a dream." The famous quote by Martin Luther King. We all have a dream, and I know some of yours is to get your club to be popular. For people to recognise it, and not let it die down. You also want to get together with other club members for a chat. Well, now you can.


With +dReam Affiliation, you can get more people to join your club. Whenever they load up the Clubs and Organizations page, they will see your club on the front page, up the top. You can also get more affiliates, for even more members. How good is that?! And with our awesome events program, there's fun for everyone!


Before we continue, I would like you to know that you MUST read all of the following sections.


First up, we have our sign-up form:

Affiliation Sign-Up Form

What type of membership do you want:

What is the name of your Club:

What is the link of your Club:

Why do you want to affiliate with us:



Huzzah! +dReam Affiliation is now officially open! We hope to see you join us, as we would love to help as many clubs as possible, as soon as possible. Also, remember, that if you would like to help us, then you can do so, by just asking us in a post.


Rules and Regulations

- No refunds will be applied, so choose carefully.

- Please do not pay before you are accepted.

- Unless stated otherwise, you have 2 days to pay until your club is denied.

- You can only apply for affiliation once every 2 weeks. If your club is denied and you are trying again, then you must wait a month.

- Each user of YCM can only apply for 1 club at a time. This means you can only have 1 club with us at a time.

- Each club MUST HAVE 150+ posts, and at least 5 active members. The posts have to be of good quality. (Changes for different memberships)


- If your club is inactive for a week, then you will be automatically removed from our Affiliation Program. Remember, you can apply 1 month after that, but you can only apply for the same club, not another.

- Whenever our affiliation program hosts an activity, or competition, it is not essential for you to join it, but if you miss a few, then your club can and will be removed from our program.

- If you want to change membership plans, you will only have to pay the difference in prices for the new plan.

- If you are caught using the incorrect logo, then you will be notified by PM. If you have not changed it after 2 days, your club will be removed from the program.


Current and Upcoming Events

As of now, there is no official events which are taking place.


However, in the near future, we may be holding a competition for the club logo's, aswell as a card contest for someone to get a free 2 month plan of the best membership!


Current Affiliates/Members

These are our current members. All banned and inactive members will be put in a different section. All members will be presented like this:

Member - Club Name - Join Date (DD/MM/YYYY)



Inactive/Banned Members

All Inactive members, or banned members, will be posted here, and are presented like this:

Member - Deletion Date (DD/MM/YYYY) - Date they can Re-Apply (DD/MM/YYYY) - Unban Date (DD/MM/YYYY)


Inactive Members:


Banned Members:


Membership Types

Hello. Now, you have probably been wondering about the Membership Types for which you can apply. As of now, there are only 3 different types, and they are listed below, in order from Lowest - Highest priority.

Each payment plan has a different amount of Advantages.

Also, please be aware that this DOES cost.




+dReam Member

Information: This is the lowest type of membership that we offer. They only need to pay a small sum of points to be a part of our program. They don't show much loyalty, and their devotion may be low, but they want good things for their club!


- They have the permission to use the +dReam logo above.

- They are allowed to discuss things in this thread.

- They can only participate in events if they are invited.

- They can request only 1 bump a week.

- +dReam can look after your club for only 1 day.


175+ Posts

5+ Active Members



1 Month: 15 Points

3 Months: 25 Points

6 Months: 35 Points

1 Year: 45 Points



20 Available Spaces!




+dReam Membership-X

Information: These are the intermediate, or middle members of our program. They need to pay a moderate amount of points to join. They get offered quite good priveleges.


- They have the permission to use the +dReam logo above.

- They are allowed to discuss things in this thread.

- They can participate in all events.

- They can request 3 bumps a week.

- +dReam can look after your club for 3 days.

- Can use special logo's as permitted.

We will join your club, to help with discussion and keeping it on the first page!


350+ Posts

8+ Active Members



1 Month: 85 Points

3 Months: 100 Points

6 Months: 115 Points

1 Year: 130 Points



10 Available Spaces!




+dReam Premium Membership

Information: The highest rank in our program. They pay a large amount of points, but in return, get huge priveleges! They are the members that keep this club alive, and there is only a small amount of positions open!


- They have permission to use the +dReam logo above.

- Can use special logo's at any time.

- +dReam can look after you club for 1 and a half weeks.

- You can judge and join any event.

- Can request a bump once a day.

- Can look after the thread when I'm gone.

We will join your club, to help with discussion and keeping it on the first page!

650+ Posts

10+ Active Members



1 Month: 335 Points

3 Months: 355 Points

6 Months: 375 Points

1 Year: 400 Points



5 Available Spaces!












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+dReam Member's Lounge


Hello, and welcome to the +dReam Member's Lounge. This is just a post to describe to you the Member's Lounge.

It is just like a normal club, but is joined with this thread. The people who affiliate with us become part of the member's lounge automatically.


Our Current Topic: Clubs.

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What type of membership do you want: Membership-X

What is the name of your Club: The Treehouse of Fun

What is the link of your Club: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/217199-the-treehouse-of-fun-we-haz-soul/

Why do you want to affiliate with us: We are still new compared to the other clubs and since Pikagroup is gone I guess I would try here.

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