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Raging Dawn Dragon (a Normal Summoned Synchro)


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This custom card is intended to be like Shooting Star Dragon and Red Nova Dragon from the anime, a new synchro monster called by a new form of synchro summon.


Shooting Star has "Accel Synchro" done through the power of a "Clear Mind"

Red Nova has "Double Tuning" done through the power of a "Burning Soul"


Introducing Raging Dawn Dragon, called forth through "Waking Synchro" done through the power of a "Piercing Gaze" (determined look) and is the only synchro monster that is technically normal summoned from the extra deck. (I would've called it "Black Dawn Dragon", but that sounds like a Blackwing Dragon variant lol)


As far as flavor goes, "Waking Synchro" is like "gemini summoning" Black Brutdrago as if it were a gemini monster 'waking' up its true power.


Raging Dawn Dragon

Level 12, Attack: 3000/2600


This card can only be summoned from your extra deck by returning a Black Brutdrago on your side of the field to the extra deck and removing a gemini monster in your hand from play. This counts as a normal summon. This card's attack/defense increases by the sent monsters attack/defense. You may use the removed card's effect as this card's effect.



- Unlike a normal synchro summon, summoning this card consumes your 1 normal summon per turn.

- This card's effect that increases attack and defense only increases by the corresponding values (For example sending Dark Valkyria will give 1800 attack and 1050 defense for a total of 4800 attack and 3650 defense.


A possible support card for this card:


Shining Summon

Normal Trap

Activate when an opponent activates a card effect that targets a synchro monster on your side of the field. You cannot tribute monsters until the end phase of this turn. Normal Summon a monster.

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