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Hey guys. I will most likely be inactive for today and tomorrow, but for the moment I'm here (obviously).


Merciful: accepted, seeing as we most likely won't be getting any new apps.


Trimage: accepted, but you don't need to but "His own" in the faction "none" would suffice

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yeah. please guys, make your own plots as well and move along with them. I don't want to be the only one capable of making the rp move again. Thats what killed my last one, and i don't want it to happen again. So heres a few ideas to entertain yourselves with when i'm absent( which may happen a lot in the future, because school is coming up soon).


Wicked gods: have lokista invade something and enjoy slaughtering innocent civilians.


Sanctum: hunt down some lifestream energy or engage in battle with one of the other two malefics that are just sitting there.


Dragonmarked: discover some cards, fight newborn, or run for your lives from dragons. Whatever.


Or, make a subplot of some kind. Romance is good. Maybe create a monster faction of some kind.


Anyway, When I'm gone, i don't want the rp to stall. I made a wide world out there, so use it.

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Well, she's a control freak with a vicious temper who is already just P.Oed that both Malefics (especially Araisk, who is chauvinistic and condescending) are cramping her style. Coupled with her berserk button being triggered, she wants nothing more than to deal as much damage towards Alex/Fenris as possible (or get hurt trying) and sees Blanche as, again, cramping her style and taking her "kill" from beneath her.


Considering there was another human literally like 10 feet from Blanche at the time (That K name, I think Totalobelisk's character), I didn't bother making Malefis just irritated, and instead let her go into full-out rage mode.


And really, heh, did you expect Malefis to thank Blanche for "proving" Araisk's point: That females are inferior, not only to him, but to males in general. That she can't fight a single human and a dragon on her own and needs her (technically weaker) Malefic companion's help? She's rather prideful of her strength, and like the other two Malefics, seem to have superiority issues.


Nevertheless, in honor of Blanche's justified opinion, Malefis deserved to get flamed for that outburst, so she did.

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I'm not sure. Let's check out the situation.


To compensate for Zai's known absence of a day or two, and spurred by Malefis getting hit by Araisk, I had her confront Totalobelisk's character, who was in the area, but more or less ignored. As for T.O.he's...inactive at this time.


Blanche left the area after Malefis snapped on him, and is presently out of the area and nigh-impossible to contact from his position, leaving him out of the action.


Your character is facing off against yourself (Araisk and Anon), leaving nothing to interact with for your end, barring someone stepping in.


Whatever Zai does with Fenris/Alex makes a difference, with everything else on the slow end.

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And my character needs either Zaifire or TotalObelisk. I PMed the latter, explaining the situation and mentioning that I wasn't sure if he was planning on still being in the RP or if he's been busy/forgot. I got no reply, but I know he saw it.




Yeah, we're pretty much all stuck until one of those two does something.

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hey folks. I know. I'm the most inconsistent person I know, but I have honestly not had much of a chance to post for the past week or so, what with getting ready for school and work and a hell of a lot of other things that inconveniently popped up. I'd like to continue the rp, and If you all are still interested then I say lets give it a shot.

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