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About The Move

Despair From The Dark


Okay, I've been gone, pretty much all summer. I came back, and BAM everything is new. According to a sticky thread about the move, plenty of crazy stuff has happened with people loosing stuff. Technically, all of my points are gone and my avatar disappeared. I assume, this is the kind of stuff people don't want me complaining about.


The thing is, I didn't loose any cards. Instead, I gained a bunch of cards I didn't make. Which I assume, must be the result of someone elses cards, somehow being transferred to me, during the switch. So, I was wondering, is it possible for me to return them to the person who supposedly did lose them? Or should I just delete them? Apparently, they're from someone named Thomas, and the cards have 2007 on them. Thus the pictures are blank, thanks to the whole switching image share site thing a while back. So again, can I give them back? Or just not worry about it, because the user is most likely not active anymore, and delete them?


Sorry for the inconvenience, but I figured gaining someones cards would be worthy of asking the question.

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Ah hah. Thank you for the replies. Supposedly, it shall be fixed in due time. I wonder if it will actually take the cards out of my account or just give the original owner an exact copy, so I wouldn't even know if he got them. Hmm... I guess I can hold onto them for now, just in case. Perhaps they'll give out more info in the future. I'll probably just put them in their own folder, or something. Oh well, thanks for the info.

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