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Using Copyrighted items will result in a 1 Week ban from Shops and Requests


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This is a new rule. If you post artwork that is copyrighted, and say it is yours, you will be stopped from posting a Shop for one week. This is all I can do regarding that rule, and if the copyrighted work is posted again, action will be taken by a moderator. Let me put this in terms that Frunk could understand.


1.) Warning

2.) Ban


I would like support on this rule. Thanks.

Banned Members

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i support the idea' date=' when someone tells me what copyright means o.0

(i dont listen much in school)



Copyright means that an item belongs to a person. They get the credit for it. And you can't use it without their permission unless stated otherwise.


I agree....But, what we give credit for the images we use?

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